Slowly getting back into the swing of blogging and posting everyday, hopefully it will last. Nothing like the rant about cleansers to spice up the middle of this week. Fun fact, post about cleansers was a first post I ever did on this blog, but don't look for it, it's not what you would call a good quality content. 😂 But you got to start somewhere, right? Like I always say, cleansers are the base for skincare. Well, removing the makeup is more of a first step towards skincare, but not everyone wears makeup. Even I don't wear makeup sometimes, still I do cleanse my face everyday, twice a day. I've never gotten into that thing where you wash your face once a day. It would be the end of me if I had to do that. 

Polako se vraćam u rutinu blogovanja i svakodnevnog objavljivanja postova, nadam se da će da potraje. Ništa kao previše informacija o čišćenju lica da zaokruži sredinu nedelje. Zanimljiva informacija, post o ''čistačima'' lica je u stvari prvi post koji sam objavila na blogu, nemojte da ga tražite nije baš ono što biste nazvali kvalitetnim sadržajem. 😂 Ali morate negde da počnete, zar ne? Kao što uvek kažem, čišćenje je osnova za negu kože. Možda je prvi korak skidanje šminke, ali ne nose svi šminku. Čak i ja se ponekad ne šminkam, ali lice čistim dvaput dnevno. Nikada nisam probala da čistim lice jednom dnevno, mislim da bi to bilo pogubno po mene.

Back when I was in my ''clensers without soap phase'' (I get into one of those phases from time to time) I discovered Avene Cleanance Cleansing gel, which still is one of the best soap free cleansers I've ever tried. It's super gentle on the skin, sometimes even too gentle for my taste, after all I am a fan of squeaky clean skin. But for those of you who like normal cleansing and are looking for a great soap free cleanser for oily skin, this one is the perfect choice.

Dok sam još bila u fazi ''čistači bez sapuna'' (s vremena na vreme upadnem u te faze) otkrila sam Avene Cleanance gel za čišćenje, koji je i dalje jedan od najboljih gelova za čišćenje lica bez sapuna koji sam probala. Nežan je na koži, čak i previše za moj ukus, ja sam ljubitelj preterano čiste kože pre svega. Ali ako volite umereno čišćenje i tražite odličan gel za čišćenje lica bez sapuna, ovaj je savršen izbor.

The newest cleanser I'm testing out for the first time ever is Weleda Gentle Cleansing Foam. This one is also for normal and combination skin, although it is gentle it has alcohol in it so I would not recommend it if you have dry or sensitive skin. It contains no SLS which makes me happy, but the alcohol in it is not the best thing, I don't like when Weleda puts alcohol in their products, I do understand they have to preserve the product in some way other than using more harmful ingredients for this, but it still bugs me a bit. So far I've been loving this foam, but my oily skin usually handles alcohol pretty well, so again be careful if your skin is sensitive.

Najnoviji proizvod za čišćenje lica koji testiram je Weleda Blaga pena za čišćenje lica. Ona je takođe za normalnu i mešovitu kožu, iako jeste blaga sadrži alkohol pa je ne preporučujem ako imate suvu ili osetljivu kožu. Volim to što nema SLS, ali alkohol u njoj nije baš najbolja stvar. Ne sviđa mi se kad Weleda stavlja alkohol u svoje proizvode, razumem da moraju na neki način da konzerviraju ostale sastojke bez korišćenja štetnijih supstanci, ali i dalje mi malo smeta. Do sada mi se ova pena dosta sviđa, ali moja koža dobro podnosi alkohol, budite pažljivi ako vam je koža osetljiva.

List of my favourite cleansers always changes, but I think I've had Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser (for normal/combination skin) on all of them. It smells so nice, foams so well and cleanses great without drying the skin out. Every time I use it it's like this little SPA moment, yes, it's that good.

Lista mojih omiljenih čistača za lice se uvek menja, ali mislim da je Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser (za normalnu i mešovitu kožu) na svakoj od njih. Miriše divno i čisti sjajno dok ne isušuje kožu. Svakog puta kada ga koristim je kao SPA momenat, toliko je dobar.

When I told people I was using a clay cleanser they were all sceptical, even my skincare obsessed blogger friends. Truth to be told when I bought the L'Oreal Pure-Clay Cleanser I thought it was a face mask. 😅 Yes, I'm quilty of instant shopping and it was on sale so I didn't really read what it said on the packaging. Best mistake ever, I seriously feel in love with these cleansers. I've tried all three since, black (with charcoal) and red (with red algae) were ok, but the green one (with eucalyptus) really blew me away and I've repurchased it two or three times since. I know it sounds crazy when you say you are cleaning your face with clay, but it does work and my face looks so fresh and radiant afterwards. I also barely get pimples when I'm using it. The green one feels the most like clay and the black one is the closest to the normal foaming cleansing gel. I will for sure use this clay cleanser form time to time, I'm just afraid of using it all the time and the clay drying my skin out too much (which in the case of oily skin makes your skin produce more oil and that is not a good thing).

Kada god bih spomenula da koristim gel za čišćenje sa glinom, svi su bili skeptični, čak i moji blogerski prijatelji opsednuti proizvodima. Iskreno, kada sam kupila L'Oreal Pure-Clay Cleanser mislila sam da je maska za lice. 😅  Bio je na sniženju pa realno nisam baš čitala šta piše na pakovanju. Najbolja greška ikad, ozbiljno mi se svideo ovaj čistač. Probala sam sva tri od tada, crni (sa ugljem) i crveni (sa crvenim algama) i stvarno su dobri, ali zeleni (sa eukaliptusom) me je oduševio i od tada sam ga ponovo kupila dva ili tri puta. Znam da zvuči čudno čistiti lice glinom, ali stvarno deluje i lice je posle sveže i čisto. Retko mi izlaze bubuljice dok ga koristim. Zeleni je najviše kao glina dok je crni bliži ''normalnim'' penama za čišćenje. Sigurno ću mu se vraćati s vremena na vreme, mislim da bi mi redovna upotreba previše isušila lice.