If I needed to describe my summer skincare and beauty super fast it would be: SPF plus everything coconutty. I'm not the biggest fan of makeup during summer, I do wear it for nights out and stuff like that, but most of the time I just use all the SPF I can find. 😅 Normally I use SPF 15 as found in my all time favourite moisturizer and switch to higher during summer, especially on a holiday. It used to be SPF 30 and now I'm using 50 just in case. Sun is really getting stronger and skin on your face is the first to suffer. When you use a lot of products with stronger ingredients like acids, skin gets more sensitive so higher SPF is a must. Skin on the body is a bit less sensitive (unless you have super sensitive skin) so I think SPF 30 is just fine. Again, if you are really pale or burn fast go even higher. This year I'm using my all time favourite body sunscreen Piz Buin. I wrote about it before so I'll keep it short, the main reason why I love it is the scent. It doesn't smell summery at all to me, still I love it. It's like a perfume in a shape of a sunscreen, but not too overwhelming. I also love the texture, it's not thick or greasy.

Ako bih morala da opišem svoju letnju negu u nekoliko reči to bi bilo: SPF plus sve sa kokosom. Nisam baš ljubitelj šminke u toku leta, nosim je uveče i u sličnim prilikama, ali najčešće samo velike količine kreme za sunčanje. 😅 Obično koristim SPF 15 koliko ima moja najomiljenija krema za lice i prebacim se na viši tokom leta, posebno na moru. Ranije je to bio SPF 30, dok sada koristim 50 za svaki slučaj. Sunce je sve jače i koža na licu je prva na udaru. Kada koristite dosta proizvoda sa jačim sastojcima kao što su kiseline, koža postane osetljivija pa je viši SPF obavezan. Koža na telu je manje osetljiva (osim ako imate vrlo osetljivu kožu) pa mislim da je SPF 30 dovoljan. Opet, ako ste jako bledi ili lako izgorite viši će vam bolje odgovarati. Ove godine koristim svoju omiljenu kremu za sunčanje, Piz Buin. Pisala sam o njemu ranije pa ovde neću da dužim, glavni razlog zašto ga volim je miris. Ne miriše baš letnje, ali je miris stvarno lep. Kao parfem u obliku kreme za sunčanje, ali ne opterećuje previše. Ima i finu teksturu, koja nije pregusta ili masna.

This year for the face I'm using Eucerin Sun Protect Pigment Control Sun fluid with the SPF 50. Pigment control is a line from Eucerin that really caught my attention and I'm using it with the pigment control serum and I will write a whole post on Eucerin serums I've been loving. So far the face sunscreen didn't break me out which is a huge plus in my book. In the Sun skin can get a lot dryer if you don't hydrate properly so right now I'm using my usual booster, Vichy Minèral 89. There are no guaranties that your skin will remain super soft during the sun exposure, but things like this booster will for sure help. Same goes for the skin on your body so I always have a ton of body lotion with me and since I love coconut my main favourite right now is Treaclemoon Coconut island body lotion. It pairs well with Victoria's secret Coconut Passion body mist so well, I also wrote about it before and I love using it during summer.

Ove godine za lice kristim Eucerin Sun Protect Pigment Control Sun fluid sa faktorom 50. Pigment control je linija iz Eucerina koja mi je privukla pažnju i koristim ovu kremu zajedno sa pigment control serumom, o kojem sledi i poseban post. Do sada mi od nje nije buknulo lice što je ogroman plus. Na suncu koža može dosta da se isuši ako se ne hidrira dovoljno pa trenutno koristim i svoj uobičajeni boster za kožu, Vichy Minèral 89. Zaista nema garancije da će vam koža ostati mekana kada ste izloženi suncu u dužim vremenskim intervalima, ali mislim da proizvodi kao što je ovaj booster pomažu. Isto važi i za kožu na telu, uvek imam par losiona za telo sa sobom i pošto obožavam kokos trenutno mi je omiljeni  Treaclemoon Coconut island losion za telo. Lepo ''ide'' uz Victoria's secret Coconut Passion sprej, o kome sam takođe pisala i dosta ga koristim tokom leta.