Do you remember how back in the day people would post what's in their bags. I used to watch those videos for fun but also to see if there were any makeup bits or accessories I could also get. Now there are similar types of posts on Tik Tok, those photos with descriptions of items written on them and I still like to check them out. So here are some of my favorite items I carry in my beach bag. First this supper light beach towel, it's more like a cotton throw so it dries super fast and is light to carry around when it's dry. Since I wear the most comfortable flip-flops I have for the beach it's always a good idea to keep a pair of nice sandals in there in case I go somewhere after the beach. Also, a spare bikini in case the one I had on isn't dry. Of course, sunglasses and a hair clip are a must although hair clips get rusty super fast in salty water so sometimes I'll wear a hair tie as well. Then a book or a magazine since I love reading on the beach. SPF wise I use Piz Buin moisturizing lotion because I like how it smells, not sure about ingredients but I only use it once a year so it's not that big of a deal. Im testing this La Roche Posay face fluid as well and it seems ok. And for my lip stuff, there's Apivita Chamomile lip balm since it has SPF 15 and Kiko Beauty Roar Ph Colorful Lip balm cause it gives the lips a nice natural tint. 

Da li se sećate kako su ranije ljudi stalno snimali videe o tome šta je u njihovoj torbi. Gledala sam ih iz zabave ali i da vidim šta je to što bih i ja mogla da kupim. Sada na Tik Toku postoje slični postovi sa slikama i opisima i dalje volim da ih pogledam. Evo šta ja trenutno nosim u torbi za plažu. Ovaj peškir z koji je više kao lagani pamučni pokrivač, brzo se suši i nije težak pa mogu da ga nosim svuda kad je suv. Pošto uglavnom nosim najudobnije japanke koje imam na plažu, ponesem i par lepših sandala ako znam da ću ići negde posle plaže. I rezervni kupaći kostim ako mi se onaj koji nosim ne osuši dovoljno. Naravno, naočare za sunce i šnala za kosu se podrazumevaju, mada šnale brzo zarđaju od slane vode pa ih nekad poštedim i ponesem gumicu za kosu. Onda knjiga ili časopis jer volim da čitam na plaži. Što se krema za sunčanje tičem volim Piz Buin jer je kao mleko za telo i lepo miriše, ne znam baš koliko su mu dobri sastojci ali ga koristim samo jednom godišnje pa nema toliko veze. Testiram i ovaj La Roche Posay fluid za lice i za sad mi je ok. Za usne nosim Apivita labelo sa kamilicom jer ima SPF 15 i Kiko Beauty Roar Ph Colorful Lip balm jer da lepu boju usnama.