Today I didn't really know what to wear since the weather was cold but getting a little bit warmer and I didn't wanna leave my summer clothes completely behind although it is already to cool for them. So I compromised and wore my summer skort with an autumn/winter sweater. I also got this pair of cream Mary Jane shoes recently, they are great for this type of weather (I did wear skin color tights here as well) and they remind me so much of the similar shoes I used to have as a kid.
Danas nisam baš znala šta ću da nosim, verme jeste naglo zahladnelo ali počinje opet toplije i nisam spremna još da napustim letnju odeću iako jeste prehladno za nju. Tako da sam napravila neki kompromis i nosila ovu letnju suknju pantalone sa jesenjim/zimskim džemperom. Takođe sam skoro kupila i ove krem Mary Jane cipele, idealne su za ovo vreme (nosila sam ih sa najlon čarapama boje kože) i mnogo me podsećaju na slične cipele koje sam imala kao dete.
Skort I've thrifted
Zaful sweater (or a similar website, but I think it was from Zaful)
Zara shoes
Mona bag
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