Blazers paired with this type of tube tops create such a cute vibe, I don't know how to explain it, like a similar fit camis and other simple tops give off but better. This is actually a strapless bodysuit since tube tops run short (and even when they are not short they don't stay tucked in your jeans) it's much more practical to get a bodysuit version. Also, I'm still not over my oversized blazers phase so it will probably be like that for a while.
Blejzeri sa ovakvim topovima izgledaju tako slatko, ne znam kako da objasnim, slično stoje kao majice na bretele ali nekako bolje. Ovo je u stvari bodi bez bretela jer slične majice obično budu kratke (a i kad nisu izvlače se iz farmerki), bodi je dosta praktičniji. I dalje nisam izašla iz faze oversized blejzera i izgleda će tako biti neko vreme.
Vintage blazer
Bershka bodysuit
Lindex jeans
Mona bag
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