Out of all the coat, wrap ones are my favorite. It took me a couple of years to figure that out and there are so many reasons why this is the case. First of all, the fit they give is unparalleled. No matter what, other coats give you the silhouette they were tailored in. With wrap coats you choose how to tie them (looser or tighter) and a lot also depends on the clothes you wear underneath, the look is different with skirts, dresses, jeans etc. Second thing is the fact that they keep you so warm and cozy when you are wrapped in them and since they are pretty anyways you won't even feel the need to wear them ''unbuttoned'' like many other coats. And there you have it, my third or fourth wrap coat of all time and my first camel wrap coat. It is the cutest can't wait to style it more.

Od svih kaputa, oni na vezivanje su mi omiljeni. Bilo mi je potrebno nekoliko godina da ovo shvatim i više je razloga zašto ih toliko volim. Prvo, način na koji stoje je nenadmašan. Bez obzira na sve, drugi kaputi imaju siluetu u kojoj su ukrojeni i sašiveni. Sa kaputima na vezivanje to zavisi od načina na koji ih vežete (opuštenije ili uže) i od odeće koju nosite ispod, izgledaju drugačije sa suknjama, haljinama, farmerkama itd. Druga stvar je da su topli i ušuškani kad ih obmotate oko sebe i pošto su lepi kada su zavezani nećete ni imate ni potrebu da ih nosite ''otkopčane'' što nekad poželite sa drugim kaputima. I to je to, ovo je moj treći ili četvrti kaput koji se vezuje i prvi ovakav u kamel boji. Mnogo je sladak jedva čekam više da ga nosim.

Mango coat

Vintage leather bag

Chimi sunglasses