With the Holidays slowly approaching, I'm getting more and more in the festive mood and sparkly makeup always reminds me of this time of the year. Usually I would do either sparkly eyelids or red lips (and if I'm really in the festive mood, both) here I used Kiko Colour lasting creamy eyeshadow which is one of my favorite creamy eye shadows of all time. And for the look, I remembered I had these amazing corduroy flared pants so I thought they also look very wintry and festive.
Kako se praznici bliže i ja sam sve više u tom duhu i šminka koja se sija me uvek podseća na ovo doba godine. Obično nosim ili sjajnu senku ili crveni karmin (ili ako sam baš u prazničnom raspoloženju, oba) ovde sam koristila Kiko Colour lasting kremastu senku koja mi je jedna od najomiljenijih kremastih senki. Što se odeće tiče, setila sam se da imam ove divne somotske zvoncare pa sam mislila da i one izgledaju zimski i praznično.
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