I'm not much of a sneakers person but I do wear them sometimes and they are the most comfortable shoes when a lot of walking is involved. Here I wore them in the simplest possible outfit but I thought to write a couple of tips on how to style them in a more elegant way. First of all I like to pair them with simple looks to get the best vibe and also I love how sneakers look with these wrap coats or other oversized items. Other thing you could do is ''the wrong shoe theory'' popular right now, that states that a look should be worn with completely opposite shoes, for example floral flowy dress with a pair of chunky sporty sneakers. Of course it goes withought saying you should get a pair you really like despite all the trends. 

 Nisam baš neko ko često nosi patike ali nekad jesu zgodne i praktične a pogotovo kada se puno hoda. Ovde sam ih nosila u najjednostavnijem mogućem autfitu i mislila sam da napišem nekoliko saveta kako ih elegantno stilizovati. Prvi način za to je da se uklope uz najjednostavnije kombinacije da bi se dobio taj elegantni utisak a posebno volim kako izgledaju sa ovim kaputima na vezivanje i drugim oversized komadima. Drugi je ''wrong shoe theory'' koji je sada dosta popularan a njegova poenta je da se nose cipele po stilu potpuno suprotne od odeće, recimo floralna lepršava haljina uz sportske patike. Naravno, ne treba spominjati da patike treba da biramo po onome što nam se sviđa bez obzira na trendove.

Mango coat
New Balance sneakers
Mona bag
Chimi sunglasses