Recent cold weather inspired me to write this post. I know that in my Winter beauty post I wrote the best lip product for cold weather is a lip balm, although that's true, I can't stop wearing lipstick even when temperature is bellow zero. If you ever wore a drying lipstick on a winter day, you know how uncomfortable and annoying it can be. The only way to avoid those dry and patchy lips, and still wear lipstick, is to find those that are not drying at all. Here's the list of ones I find perfect for cold winter days.

MAC Captive Lovely purplish dark red shade with cold undertone. It's thick and pigmented but not drying at all.
Avon lipstick in Iced Coffee Somehow I never buy shinny lipsticks, no special reason why, matte ones just get my attention faster. This is one of the couple shinny ones I have and I love the color. It's natural brown pink with goldeny shine.
Kiko Velvet mat-Satin lipstick in 613 Pink Carnation I wasn't sure whether to include this one or not, because it's not as hydrating as others. Still, it's not drying at all so I decided to leave it on the list. Color is pink with cold undertone.
Kiko Smart lipstick in 913 Purply pink shade with a bit of shine.
Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick in 225 Rosewine Great orangy red shade with amazing texture. It's matte but it has some shine to it.
Rimmel Lasting finish by Kate Lipstick in 01 Red lipstick are very rarely non drying. This one is an exception which make it a perfect winter red.
Rimmel Lasting finish by Kate Lipstick in 08 Neutral creamy brown, it looks very natural and goes well with any eye look.
YSL Rouge volupte in 1 All Rouge volupte lipsticks are super hydrating so it's no wonder this one is on the list. Color is nice light pink.

Skorašnje zahlađenje me je inspirisalo da napišem ovaj post. Znam da sam u postu o zimskoj nezi napisala da je najbolji proizvod za usne kada je vreme hladno balzam za usne, iako je to tačno, ja ne mogu da prestanem da nosim karmin čak i kada je temperatura ispod nule. Ako ste ikada nosili isušujući karmin tokom zimskog dana, znate koliko nelagodno i frustrirajuće to može da bude. Jedini način da se izbegnu suve i ispucale usne, a da se nosi karmin, je da se pronađu karmini koji uopšte nisu isušujući. Ovo je lista onih za koje mislim da su savršeni za hladne zimske dane.

MAC Captive Divna tamno crveno ljubičasta nijansa sa hladnim podtonom. Karmin je gust i pigmentovan ali ni malo ne isušuje.
Avon lipstick in Iced Coffee Nekako nikada ne kupim sjajne karmine, nema nekog posebnog razloga, oni koji su mat mi pre privuku pažnju. Ovo je jedan od nekoliko sjajnih koje imam i jako mi se svidja boja, neutralna braon roze sa zlatkastim sjajem.
Kiko Velvet mat-Satin lipstick in 613 Pink Carnation Nisam bila sigurna da li da uključim ovaj karmin ili ne, zato što nije toliko hidrirajući kao drugi. Ipak, ne isušuje uopšte tako da sam odlučila da ga ostavim na listi. Boja je roze sa hladnim podtonom.
Kiko Smart lipstick in 913 Ljubičasto roze nijansa sa malo sjaja.
Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick in 225 Rosewine Sjajna narandžasto crvena nijansa sa divnom teksturom. Karmin je mat ali ima malo sjaja. 
Rimmel Lasting finish by Kate Lipstick in 01 Crveni karmini jako retko nisu isušujući. Ovaj je izuzetak što ga čini savršenom crvenom za zimu.
Rimmel Lasting finish by Kate Lipstick in 08 Neutralna kremasta braon, izgleda jako prirodno i slaže se sa bilo kojom bojom na očima.
YSL Rouge volupte in 1 Svi Rouge volupte karmini su vrlo hidrantni, tako da nije čudo što se ovaj našao na listi. Boja je lepa svetlo roze.