Somewhere down the line, while your personal style is evolving, you're gonna ask yourself whether you are more into trends or classical pieces. These two approaches to fashion and style are complete opposites, yet they can after all work together. I used to be someone who only bought classic pieces. White shirts, well tailored jackets, leather boots... You know the drill. Thanks to that approach I now have a closet full of basic good quality pieces that can be dressed up or down.

When I think about it, there's no better thing than shopping only for good quality pieces. In those cases you know you'll get your money's worth and also won't be a clothes hoarder that has a full closet of clothes you never wear. 

You've probably seen the minimalistic approach to wardrobe that's taking over and the philosophy of capsule wardrobes. Honestly, if I wasn't a blogger I would probably opt for making a capsule wardrobe, now when I'm old enough to know my style by heart. Although there are fashion bloggers who post only outfits from their capsule wardrobes.

Capsule wardrobe or not, I think classic key pieces are still a way to go. The way it sounds it looks like I don't own a single trendy piece in my wardrobe. Which is obviously not the case. I'm always for buying classical non-trendy pieces, especially when you are on a budget. BUT, following trends has its fun sides. It's like being a part of a bigger picture, of the spirit of the times, which defines every fashion era.

When we think about 80s or 60s (or any other fashion era) we can easily imagine the fashion of those times. And that image  we all have consists of trends and mainstream fashion. 

So, basically, there's no harm in following trends, just remember to always stay true to yourself and make sure to develop your own personal style down the line. My tip is to splurge on basic, classic pieces and buy cheaper clothes in trends that will pass. There are so many websites selling trendy clothes at low prices so it pays off to shop around for those trendy items.

Negde usput, dok razvijate svoj stil, zapitaćete se da li ste neko ko više voli trendove ili klasične komade. Ova dva pristupa modi su kompletne suprotnosti, ali mogu da idu zajedno kada do toga dođe. Ja sam bila neko ko kupuje samo klasične komade. Bele košulje, ukrojeni sakoi, kožne čizme... I sami znate kako spisak ide. Zahvaljujući takvom pristupu sada imam orman prepun kvalitetnih bazičnih komada koji mogu da se stilizuju na razne načine. 

Kada bolje razmislim, nema bolje stvari od kupovine kvalitetnih komada. U tom slučaju znate da će vam se kupovina isplatiti, a takođe nećete biti samo sakupljač odeće koji ima pun orman stvari koje nikada ne nosite.

Verovatno znate za minimalistički pristup odevanju koji polako preuzima primat i filozofiju kapsula ormara. Iskreno, da nisam bloger verovatno bih sada kada dobro poznajem svoj stil napravila kapsula orman. Mada postoje modni blogeri koji objavljuju samo postove sa odećom iz svojih kapsula ormanima.

Kapsula orman ili ne, mislim da su klasični komadi prava stvar. Po pravcu u kome ovaj post ide deluje kao da ne postoji jedna stvar u trendu koju imam. Što očigledno nije tako. Uvek sam za kupovinu klasične odeće bez praćenja trendova, pogotovo ako imate ograničen budžet za kupovinu. ALI, praćenje trendova jeste zabavno. To je na neki način i praćenje duha vremena, koje definiše svaku modnu eru. 

Kada pomislimo na šezdesete ili osamdesete (ili bilo koju drugu modnu dekadu) jasno možemo da zamislimo aktuelnu modu tog vremena. I ta slika koju imamo sastoji se od trendova i mejnstrim mode.

Pa tako znači da praćenje trendova ne može da škodi, samo ne zaboravite da ostanete verni sebi i da na kraju krajeva razvijete svoj lični stil. Moj savet je da više potrošite na bazične komade, a da kupujete jeftiniju odeću u trendu koji će proći. Postoji toliko sajtova koji prodaju modernu odeću po niskim cenama i isplati se da istražujete na njima.

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