You know that one scent you like that much that you can't stop sniffing it all the time and you just want to be covered in it for the whole eternity? Ok, I am maybe exaggerating a bit, but a point is that there are those scent that feel more special than the others. And I am not talking about perfumes or body sprays, this is about those scents that you find by accident, in body lotions, shower gels, hand creams, lip balms...
My favourite is the Felce azzurra scent. If you ever smelled this you'll know why. There is no scent like it, I can't really explain the way it smells, but lets say it's something between baby powder and high-end perfume. Once you had one of their products you don't go back. I always have their shower gel, bubble bath and powder in my bathroom, and when I say always I mean it, the second I run out I go and buy more. Felce azzurra shower gel is the one I use all the time, sometimes I will use another one (like coconut scented shower gels in summer, and ''christmasy'' scented at winter) but I quickly go back to it as soon as I use the other one up. Same goes for the bubble bath. As for the powder, I use it for all sorts of things, when I am doing my makeup and using dark shadows I put it under my eyes to catch eyeshadow fallout, instead of dry shampoo, for the grease stains on my clothes... To be honest I could use any other powder for that, I mainly buy it because I love the scent so much. We all know how scents can cause different emotions or bring up the memories, and this scent just makes me feel good, relaxed and peaceful. Maybe it sounds crazy, but I feel like I have a special connection with this scent.
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