Finally I got my hands on these beauties. Bourjois is definitely one of the best makeup brands, their Liner Pinceau is my favourite liquid liner. So I'm always excited about trying any new product from Bourjois. Rouge Edition Velvet lipsticks are not that new but I feel like they are still not all over the place. Like I always say, you need at least two shades to test any makeup product because often texture varies from shade to shade. I got Pink pong and Crand Cru. I was wearing them for last couple days and to be honest maybe I need a bit more time to properly test them but I couldn't wait to write this review. 
Packaging is very nice, elegant square plastic container with an applicator that is a bit angled for easier application. They are super easy to apply, the colour just glides on over the lips. It takes a while for lipstick to dry and when it dries it becomes matte, soft and velvety. You can apply another layer when the first one dries. 
Pink pong is the lightest pink in the collection. Maybe I should have got Ole Flamingo! (it's a bit more neutral) because I generally don't wear pink this bright, still I like a shade a lot, I'm trying to pull it off. Texture of this one is amazing, creamy and soft. 
Grand Cru is the darkest red, although it's not as dark as I expected when I apply it. As you can see on the second picture this shade is not as smooth and soft so it can look patchy if you apply a smaller amount of product, it evens out with the second coat.
Both shades last on the lips for ages, you can wear them all day long. They are neither too drying nor too hydrating, something in between. Other long-lasting lipsticks I used usually dried out completely, these ones stayed a bit sticky, even at the end of the day lipstick was sticky. It's not a big deal, just something I didn't expect. Maybe they tried to formulate it not to be drying and it turned out sticky. You can see how the shades look on the lips in photos above, lighting is a bit off in the fourth picture, sorry for that, shade is actually slightly darker. 
Have you tried these lipsticks, which shade you like the best?

Konačno sam nabavila ove lepote. Bourjois je definitivno jedan od najboljih proizvođača šminke, njihov Liner Pinceau je moj omiljeni tečni ajlajner. Zato se uvek jako radujem kada probam neki njihov proizvod. Rouge Edition Velvet karmini nisu toliko novi ali mislim da ih i dalje ne vidjamo sa svih strana. Kao što uvek kažem potrebne su bar dve nijanse da bi se testirala šminka zato što tekstura često varira od nijanse do nijanse. Ja sam probala Pink pong i Crand Cru. Nosila sam ih poslednjih nekoliko dana i da budem skroz iskrena možda mi treba malo više vremena da ih revnosno testiram ali nisam mogla da dočekam da napišem ovu recenziju. 
Pakovanje je jako lepo, elegantna kockasta plastična bočica sa aplikatorom koji je malo zakošen zbog lakšeg nanošenja. Jako se lako nanose, boja prosto klizi po usnama. Treba malo vremena da se karmin osuši i kada se osuši postane mat, mekan i somotkast. Može da se nanese i drugi sloj kada se prvi osuši.
Pink pong je najsvetlija pink u kolekciji. Možda je trebalo da kupim Ole Flamingo! nijansu (koja je malo neutralnija) zato što inače ne nosim pink nijanse koje su ovoliko drečave, ipak nijansa mi se dosta sviđa, trudim se da je nosim. Tekstura je neverovatna, kremasta i mekana.
Grand Cru je najtamnija crvena, iako nije toliko tamna koliko sam očekivala kad se nanese. Kao što možete videti na drugoj slici ova nijansa nije toliko glatka i mekana tako da može da izgleda nejednako ako se nanese manja količina proizvoda ali to se izjednači kada se nanese drugi sloj.
Obe nijanse traju jako dugo na usnama, mogu da se nose ceo dan. Nisu previše isušujuće ali ni ne hidriraju, nešto su između. Drugi trajni karmini koje sam koristila su se obično skroz sušili, ovi ostanu pomalo lepljivi, čak i na kraju dana karmin mi je bio malo lepljiv. Nije ništa strašno, samo nešto što nisam očekivala. Možda su pokušali da naprave formulaciju koja ne isušuje pa je ispala lepljiva. Možete videti kako nijanse izgledaju na slikama iznad, svetlo je malo ispijajuće na četvrtoj slici, izvinite zbog toga, nijansa je uživo malo tamnija. 
Kod nas se ovi karmini mogu kupiti u Jasminu. Da li ste ih vi probali, koja nijansa vam se najviše sviđa?