One not so interesting post still a product worth reviewing. Before I got these tweezers I was using two pairs of tweezers together, one were once my Mum's and the other pair I bought at drugstore. Both were plain simple tweezers. The reason I had two was one had flat tip and other had a tip that's not sharp at all so I needed both pairs to pluck all the hair I wanted to be plucked. I was never thinking about getting good quality tweezers until I saw these from Tweezerman. Everyone was raving about them so I bought them and then I realised how much difference it makes when you use good quality tweezers. They are Slant tweezers and I got them in green because I didn't care about the color that much.I always pluck my eyebrows by myself and I never in my life had them shaped by a professional. No reason for that, I just don't have a habit of getting my eyebrows done at a salon. These tweezers are very sharp and at first it took a while for me to get used to them. After I did I realised the only way to get all of those tiny annoying hairs plucked is to use sharp tweezers. It's also easy to have a firm grip of the tweezers because they are covered with a film made with some kind of plastic. Now I think it really pays off to get a nice pair of tweezers, especially if you are like me and you pluck your eyebrows by yourself. My skin is pretty thick so I get a lot of ingrown hairs, so these come in handy for plucking out stubborn ingrown hairs as well. Did you try Tweezerman tweezers what do you think about them?
Jedan ne tako zanimljiv post ali i dalje proizvod o kome vredi napisati recenziju. Pre nego što sam kupila ovu pincetu koristila sam dve pincete zajedno, jednu je pre mene koristila moja mama a drugu sam kupila u Liliju. Obe su bile jednostavne, jeftine pincete. Razlog zašto sam koristila dve je zato što je jedna imala ravan vrh a druga vrh koji nije bio uopšte oštar tako da su mi obe bile potrebne da počupam sve dlačice za koje sam želela da budu počupane. Nikada nisam razmišljala o kupovini kvalitetne pincete dok nisam videla ovu Tweezerman pincetu. Svi su je hvalili tako da sam je na kraju i ja kupila i tek tada sam shvatila kolika je razlika kada se koristi stvarno kvalitetna pinceta. Ovo je njihova Slant pinceta i kupila sam je u zelenoj boji zato što nisam mnogo razmišljala o boji. Ja uvek sama čupam obrve i nikad u životu nisam išla kod kozmetičarke zbog obrva. Nema razloga zašto, samo nemam naviku da obrve sređujem u kozmetičkom salonu. Ova pinceta je jako oštra i prvo mi je bilo potrebno vremena da se naviknem da je koristim. Kada sam se navikla shvatila sam da je korišćenje oštre pincete jedini način da se otarasim svih onih malih dlačica koje me nerviraju. Takođe se lako drži u ruci zato što je prekrivena filmom od neke vrste plastike. Sada mislim da se zaista isplati kupovina dobre pincete, pogotovo ako ste kao ja i sami čupate obrve. Moja koža je prilično debela pa mi često urastaju dlake tako da je ova pinceta korisna i za čupanje upornih uraslih dlaka.
Da li ste vi probali Tweezerman pincete, šta mislite o njima?
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