For years I haven't used face toner with alcohol. My skin does feel and look better when I avoid alcohol toners. If you have oily skin like me then you know these types of toners will keep the skin pimple and blackheads free, but on the longer run they will dry your skin and make it dull and flaky. Like I mentioned many times before, my favourite toner is Clarins toning lotion for Combination or oily skin, still I don't mind trying out new ones from time to time. One that is really good is Oriflame Optimals Normalising toner. I love it for many reasons. It smells like old Oriflame Swedish SPA face cream I used before and I like that smell a lot. Packaging has a spray pump, you can spray it on a cotton pad and use it like that, I spray it all over the face and then go over the face with a cotton pad. It's good for all skin types, it cleans residue of a cleanser well and tones my face. The skin looks great when I use it. If you have a problem with acne or stubborn pimples it may not be strong enoug for you. Although my skin is oily I only have an ocasional pimple or two and it keeps them at bay. Only thing I don't like is it has parabens, if it was paraben free I would use it all the time.
Godinama nisam koristila toner za lice sa alkoholom. Koža mi je u boljem stanju i lepše izgleda kada ih izbegavam.. Ako imate masnu kožu kao ja onda znate da ova vrsta tonera sprečava bubuljice i mitesere, ali na duže staze koža postaje suva, peruta se i izgleda umorno. Kao što sam spomenula mnogo puta, moj omiljeni toner je Clarins toner za kombinovanu ili masnu kožu. Iako mi se ovj toner jako sviđa, probam neke druge sa vremena na vreme. Jako dobar je Oriflame Optimals Normalising toner. Volim ga iz više razloga. Miriše kao stara Oriflame Swedish SPA krema za lice koju sam koristila ranije i mnogo volim taj miris. Pakovanje ima pumpicu, pa toner može da se naprska na tufer i tako koristi, ja ga naprskam po celom licu i onda pređem tupferom. Dobar je za sve tipove kože, čisti svaki ostatak pene za umivanje (ili drugog proizvoda kojim očistim lice) i stvarno mi ujednači ten. Koža divno izgleda kada ga koristim. Ako imate probleme sa aknama ili upornim bubuljicama ovaj toner vam možda neće biti dovoljan. Moja koža jeste masna ali imam samo povremeno par bubuljica i njih ovaj toner sprečava. Jedina stvar koja mi se ne sviđa je što sadrži parabene, da je bez njih koristila bih ga sve vreme.
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