When I was younger I used to buy so much cheap jewelry, I couldn't help it, who can resist all those nice pieces from Asos, H&M and Forever 21? Later I've realised  you shouldn't buy cheap bracelets and rings, the color always fades if you wear them much and you are left with ugly looking jewelry. Necklaces are a bit different, they won't fade that much because they don't go directly on the skin, you usually wear them over the blouse or a shirt. And even if they fade, the side that is ugly is the one that goes on the skin and it won't be that visible. For that reason I don't like to buy cheaper jewelry, I'll rather buy a good quality ring that won't get ruined than a lot of rings I can only wear couple times. But, like it usually goes I needed golden jewelry to accessorize my black and gold dress I want to wear for my brother's 18th birthday. After examining all of my ''golden'' jewelry most of them looked faded with black patches all around. All of my everyday good quality jewelry is silver so I had no choice then to go and pick up some new pieces (I have an excuse for everything). I wanted this bangle from H&M for a while and now I finally had an excuse to buy it. Rings I wanted were sold out so I got these and I'm pretty happy with the purchase. Bracelet looks like something Pamela Love designed and I like rings a lot as well. 
What do you think about cheaper jewelry, do you have the same problem of your jewelry fading fast to the point you can't wear them any more?

Kada sam bila mlađa kupovala sam dosta jeftinijeg nakita, nisam mogla da prestanem, ko može da odoli svim divnim komadima iz radnji kao što su H&M, Forever 21 i sa Asos-a? Kasnije sam shvatila da ne treba kupovati jeftine narukvice i prstenje, boja uvek izbledi ako ih dosta nosite i ostane vam ružan nakit. Ogrlice su malo drugačije, neće izbledeti toliko zato što ne idu direkto na kožu, obično ih nosite preko bluze ili majice. I čak ako izblede strana koja je izbledela će biti okrenuta prema koži i to neće biti toliko vidljivo. Zbog toga ne volim da kupujem jeftiniji nakit, radije biram da kupim kvalitetan prsten koji neće biti uništen nego gomilu prstenja koje mogu da nosim samo nekoliko puta. Ali, kako to obično ide bio mi je potreban zlatan nakit koji ide uz moju crno-zlatnu haljinu koju sam htela da nosim za osamnaesti rođendan mog brata. Posle preturanja po mom ''zlatnom'' nakitu većina je izgledala izbledelo sa crnim flekama okolo. Sav moj ''svakodnevni'' kvalitetniji nakit je srebrn tako da sam morala da kupim neke nove komade (uvek nađem izgovor za sve). Već duže vreme sam želela ovu narukvicu iz H&M-a i konačno sam imala izgovor da je kupim. Prstenje koje sam htela se rasprodalo pa sam uzela ovo i jako sam srećna i sa jednim i sa drugim. Narukvica izgleda kao nešto što bi Pamela Love dizajnirala a prstenje mi se isto jako dopada. 
Šta vi mislite o jeftinijem nakitu, da li imate isti problem da vam nakit brzo izbledi i posle ne može da se nosi?

Bracelet and rings from H&M