When it comes to investing in clothes and accessories I think you should invest in bags, sunglasses and sometimes shoes. For shoes you wear everyday you should buy the ones that are good quality and comfortable but not too expensive. Because you will eventualy wear them out and have to throw them away so that's why I only buy designer shoes if I know I won't wear every day. Also it's not a good idea to wear one pair of shoes every day, so it's better to buy a couple of pairs of good quality non expensive shoes than one pair of expensive designer shoes. At least that is how I feel. Bags are a different story, even if you wear them all the time it takes ages until they get to that stage when you can't wear them anymore. And you can wear one bag every day and let be honest most of us hate switching bags and transferring our staff from one bag to another. I can even go a whole year without switching a bag. Although I was pretty happy with my Furla bag I got last year I wanted a bag that's more minimalistic and contemporary. When I'm choosing a bag I try to find one that not a lot of other people have, because I think the uniformity is killing all the fun in fashion. Diane Von Furstenberg is one of my favourite designers (her wrap dress is in my opinion the prettiest every day dress cut) and I've been eyeing this bag for a long time. It's her 440 Top handle lizard satchel in color Stone. I'm so happy I finally got it, the leather is of amazing quality, thick and shinny, I love it. It's very wearable, but I think about removing this red tag to make it even more minimalistic and wearable.
Kada se radi o investiranju u odeću i aksesoare ja mislim da treba uložiti u torbe, naočare za sunce i ponekad cipele. Za cipele koje nosite svakodnevno treba kupiti one koje su kvalitetne ali ne previše skupe. Zato što ćete ih iznositi i kad tad morati da ih bacite i zbog toga ja ne kupujem dizajnerske cipele ako znam da ću ih nositi svakog dana. Takođe, nije dobra ideja da nosite jedan par cipela stalno, tako da je bolje kupiti nekoliko pari kvalitetnih cipela nego jedan par dizajniranih cipela. Bar ja mislim da je tako bolje. Torbe su druga priča, čak i ako ih stalno nosite potrebno je dosta vremena dok ne dodju do stadijuma kad više ne možete da ih nosite. I što se tiče nošenja možete da nosite istu torbu svakog dana, i iskreno većina nas mrzi da menja torbe i premešta stvari iz jedne u drugu. Ja mogu čak i godinu dana da nosim istu torbu. Iako sam bila jako zadovoljna mojom Furla torbom koju sam kupila prošle godine želela sam torbu koja je malo više minimalistička i moderna. Kada biram torbu trudim se da nađem onu koju nema puno ljudi zato što mislim da uniformisanje ubija svu zabavu u modi. Diane Von Furstenberg je jedna od mojih omiljenih dizajnera (njena haljina na preklop je po mom mišljenju najlepši kroj dnevne haljine ikada) i već jako dugo gledam ovu torbu. To je njena 440 Top handle lizard satchel u boji Stone. Mnogo sam srećna što sam je konačno kupila, koža je neverovatno kvalitetna, debela i sjajna, jako mi se sviđa. Vrlo je nosiva, ali razmišljam da skinem ovu crvenu ''etiketu'' da bi bila još jednostavnija i nosivija.
Asos jeans and belt
No brand gray turtleneck
Zara boots
Vintage bracelet
Fossil ring
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