Real treat for this week's art inspiration, work of Gae Aulenti. She was an Italian architect and interior designer. If I had to pick only one designer in whose interiors I would want to live I would definitely pick Gae's interiors. Just look at first three pictures, they are breathtaking! She is also a creator of one of rare nice looking folding chairs, it's called April chair, you can see it in the last picture. Her work of course includes much more successful projects, I picked the ones that I like the most.
I choose a woman architect for today's post, because today is The International women's day, happy Women's day to all of my lovely lady readers and to male readers as well. After all today is the day when we are celebrating gender equality, at least that's how I see it. Enjoy in this day!
Want more? Click here for Art Inspiration N0. 7.
Prava poslastica za ovonedeljnu inspiraciju, rad Gaje Aulenti. Ona je bila italijanski arhitekta i dizajner enterijera. Ako bih morala da izaberem jednog dizajnera u čijim enterijerima bih želela da živim, sigurno bih izabrala enterijere koje je ona dizajnirala. Samo pogledajte prve tri fotografije, oduzimaju dah. Gaj je takođe dizajner jedne od retkih lepih stolica na rasklapanje, to je April stolica koju možete da vidite na poslednjoj fotografiji. Njen rad naravno obuhvata još mnogo uspešnih projekata, ja sam izabrala one koji se meni najviše dopadaju.
Za današnji post sam izabrala ženu arhitektu, zato što je Međunarodni dan žena, srećan Dan žena svim mojim divnim čitateljkama, a i čitateljima. Pre svega danas je dan kada slavimo jednakost među polovima, bar ja to tako vidim. Uživajte u danu!
Želite da pročitate još nešto? Kliknite ovde za inspiraciju broj sedam.
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