This interesting tag has been going around, so I thought it would be fun to do it. When I started writing this post I realised that I use way too much products and I can hardly name a few I don't. However I managed to pick a couple of products I don't use.

1) Hair gel I've never in my life bought hair gel. To be honest I think I never saw a purpose of hair gel. You can use hair spray instead and it will look natural and gel is not known for natural looking results.

2) Liquid foundation It's not that I don't like liquid foundation, I just feel it's too heavy for my skin if I wear it daily. In the past year I think I only wore liquid foundation twice. I use BB cream more often, but most of the time I'll only wear powder foundation.

3) Lip gloss Looks like lip gloss is getting less and less popular. I think it is because there are so many great lipsticks out there that we are forgetting lip glosses. Main reason I don't like them is because my hair always sticks to my lips when I'm wearing lip gloss. I think right now I own only one lip gloss and I haven't wore it for a while.

4) Roll on deodorant Most of the time I use spray deodorants or Garnier Neo deodorant. I don't find roll on deodorants practical and never buy them.

5) Keratin hair treatment My hair is naturally wavy so if I used a keratin treatment it would be always straight and I like to just leave it dry naturally for nice gentle waves. Although I thought about keratin treatment many times I never did it.

That's all, as you can tell my list is pretty short, that's also because I'm very curious and I like to try new products all the time. Are there any beauty products you don't use?

Ovaj zanimljivi tag je aktuelan već neko vreme, pa sam mislila da bi bilo zabavno da ga i ja uradim. Kada sam počela da smišljam šta da napišem u ovom postu shvatila sam da ja zaista koristim previše proizvoda i da je malo onih koje ne koristim. Nekako sam uspela da izaberem nekoliko proizvoda koje ne upotrebljavam.

1) Gel za kosu Nikada u životu nisam kupila gel za kosu. Da budem iskrena nije mi jasna ni njegova namena. Možete da koristite lak umesto njega i kosa će izgledati prirodno, dok gel nije poznat po prirodnim rezultatima.

2) Tečni puder Nije da ga ne volim, samo je pretežak za moju kožu ako ga nosim svakodnevno. U celoj prošloj godini mislim da sam nosila tečni puder samo dvaput. BB kremu nosim češće, ali uglavnom je na mom licu samo puder u kamenu.

3) Sjaj za usta Izgleda da sjaj za usta postaje sve manje i manje popularan. Ja mislim da zbog puno divnih karmina na tržištu počinjemo da zaboravljamo sjajeve. Glavni razlog zašto ih ja ne volim je to što mi se kosa uvek zalepi za usne kad nosim sjaj. Mislim da trenutno imam samo jedan sjaj, a i njega nisam nosila neko vreme.

4) Roll on dezodorans Uglavnom koristim dezodoranse u spreju ili Garnier Neo dezodoransRoll on dezodoransi mi nisu praktični i nikad ih ne kupujem.

5) Keratinski tretman za kosu Moja kosa je prirodno talasasta tako da kad bih koristila ovaj tretman ona bi stalno bila ravna, a ja volim da pustim kosu da se prirodno osuši i nežno utalasa. Iako sam rzmišljala dosta o tome da ''stavim'' keratin nikada nisam. 

To bi bilo sve, kao što vidite lista mi je prilično mršava, delom i zbog toga što sam jako radoznala i volim da sve vreme isprobavam nove proizvode. Da li postoje neki proizvodi za negu lepote koje ne koristite?