If you read my blog on regular basis then you know how much I love Asos. Whenever I have some time to spare you bet I'll be on their website checking out all the lovely items. As the warmer weather is approaching and I feel the need to wear skirts, dresses and stripes, most of the items I want right now can fit into those categories. I've been also loving the 70's vibe a lot, hence the turtlenecks and a denim skirt with front buttons.
First on my wishlist is this lovely River Island Turtle Neck Vest. I love shirts and blouses that have a turtleneck and bare arms which you can probably tell because I picked two tops like that. Second one is High Neck Sleeveless Top and I've been eyeing this one for a while. It would go perfectly with any Spring outfit.
Then we have a skirt I thought it would be my go to denim skirt this year, but unfortunately it's sold out. It's Denim Button Through Skirt in Midwash and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will come back in stock. The last one is this gorgeous dress with bare shoulders and, surprise, surprise it's also from New Look, it's their Striped off the shoulder Bodycon Dress. I love dresses with bare shoulders, they always look so stylish and elegant.
Those are all the items on my wishlist right now, I always have fun browsing and planning what to get, it even inspires me to create outfits with items I already own.
Want more? Read how to style the clothes you already have in this post here.
Want more? Read how to style the clothes you already have in this post here.
Ako redovno čitate moj blog onda verovatno znate koliko volim Asos sajt. Kad god imam slobodnog vremena možete da se kladite da ću da odem na njihov sajt i pretražujem sve divne komade. Toplije vreme se približava i imam potrebu da nosim suknje, haljine i prugice, pa tako većina stvari koje želim može da potpadne pod te kategorije. Takođe jako uživam u povratku mode sedamdesetih, odatle i rolke i teksas suknja sa dugmićima napred.
Prva na listi želja mi je ova divna River Island Turtle Neck Vest bluzica. Mnogo volim majice i bluze koje imaju rolka kragnu i gole ruke, što možete da zaključite i na osnovu toga što sam izabrala čak dve takve bluze. Druga je High Neck Sleeveless Top i nju gledam već duže vreme. Išla bi savršeno uz bilo koju prolećnu odevnu kombinaciju.
Sledeća na listi je suknja za koju sam mislila da će biti teksas suknja koju ću najviše nositi ove godine, ali nažalost, rasprodala se. To je Denim Button Through Skirt in Midwash i držim palčeve da se vrati na sajt.
Poslednja je ova prelepa haljina sa golim ramenima, i, iznenadjenje, ona je isto iz New Look-a, ovo je njihova Striped off the shoulder Bodycon Dress. Mnogo volim haljine sa golim ramenima, uvek izgledaju tako šik i elegantno.
To bi bile sve stvari koje su mi trenutno na listi želja, uvek mi je zabavno da istražujem po sajtovima i planiram šta ću da kupim, čak me i inspiriše da napravim nove kombinacije sa stvarima koje već imam.
Želite da pročitate još nešto? U ovom postu možete da vidite kako da drugačije iskombinujete odeću koju već imate.
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