Asos always has the best shoes, so many wonderful models on their website, I like almost all of them! Before I ordered my first pair I thought they are not comfortable at all. It turns out Asos shoes are one of the comfiest shoes out there. Spring break heels are to this day my most comfortable heels. Over the last couple months I got these shoes, in preparation for Spring and Summer.

New Look pointed heels These are not from Asos line, they are from New Look, but are also very nice. I like New Look shoes as well, usually you can walk easily in them. These are wide fit which is a good thing so your toes have plenty of room.

Hat Trick sandals These turned out to be a bit more grungy  than I expected, I still like them, though. They are perfect statement shoes for Spring and Summer.

Road rage ankle boots I think these are my favourite ankle boots right now. They are made from real leather and leather quality is amazing! Also, I got them on sale which is always a good thing.

Jamaica espadrilles I was looking for espadrilles like this for quite a while. The ones I had were simple espadrilles and I couldn't tie them around my ankles like I can do with these. I can't wait to wear them with summer outfits.

That's all from Asos for now, I just love Asos fashion, they always have amazing looking, good quality pieces.

Asos umek ima najbolju obuću, toliko je divnih modela na njihovom sajtu, skoro svi mi se svidjaju! 
Pre nego što sam naručila prvi par cipela sa Asosa mislila sam da njhova obuća uopšte nije udobna. Ispalo je da je zapravo jedna od udobnijih na tržištu. Spring break cipele su do današnjeg dana moje najudobnije cipele na štiklu. U predhodnih nekoliko meseci naručila sam ove modele u pripremi za proleće i leto.

New Look špicaste cipele na štiklu Ove cipele nisu iz Asos linije, već iz New Look-a, ali su takođe jako lepe. I New Look cipele volim, obično se lako hoda u njima. Ove su model koji je širi što je dobra stvar jer ima dovoljno mesta za prste.

Hat Trick sandale Ove sandale su ispale više grandži nego što sam očekivala, ali mi se i dalje dopadaju. Savršene su upečatljive sandale za proleće i leto.

Road rage čizme do članaka Mislim da su mi trenutno ovo omiljene kratke čizme. Od prave su kože i kvalitet kože je sjajan! Takođe, bile su na sniženju što uvek treba iskoristiti.

Jamaica espadrile Tražila sam ovakve espadrile već duže vreme. One koje sam imala su jednostavne espadrile koje ne mogu da se vežu oko članaka kao ove. Jedva čekam da ih nosim sa letnjim kombinacijama.

To je sve sa Asos sajta za sada, obožavam modu sa Asos-a, uvek imaju neverovatne i kvalitetne stvari.