The way on which other arts influence fashion was always fascinating to me. Painting, sculpture, and even architecture can be a source of inspiration for fashion masterpieces. One of my favourite painting and fashion collaborations (right after the one between Piet Mondrian and Yves Saint Laurent) is between painter Richard Prince and fashion house Louis Vuitton. Together they designed the famous 2008. collection inspired by Prince's earlier paintings or nurses. At the time Marc Jacobs was the creative director at Louis Vuitton. Although I started to think less of Jacobs after all of his plagiarized work resurfaced I still think this collection is amazing. Prince was actually the one who gave it this dark aesthetic that's unusual for Louis Vuitton. The unique look of backgrounds on his paintings was transferred to the bags and the resemblance between paintings and clothes is more than obvious. I love how the whole collection was presented and the vibe of this show is something we won't see again in the close future.
P.S. Second photo is from a photo shoot Julianne Moore did with Peter Lindbergh, where they recreated some of the iconic paintings. You can see more photos from that photo shoot here.
Način na koji druge umetnosti utiču na modu me je oduvek fascinirao. Slike, skulpture, pa čak i arhitektura mogu da budu izvor inspiracije za nastanak modnih remek-dela. Jedna od mojih omiljenih saradnji slikara i mode (odmah posle one između Pita Mondrijana i Iva Sen Lorana) je između Ričarda Princa i modne kuće Luj Viton. Zajedno su dizajnirali čuvenu kolekciju iz 2008. godine inspirisanu portretima medicinskih sestara koje je Ričard Princ ranije naslikao. U to vreme kreativni direktor kuće Luj Viton je bio Mark Džejkobs. Iako sam stvorila loše mišljenje o njemu pošto je priča o njegovim plagijatima isplivala na površinu i dalje mislim da je ova kolekcija neverovatna. Ričard Princ je u stvari taj koji je stvorio mračnu estetiku koja nije uobičajena za ovu modnu kuću. Jedinstveni izgled pozadina na njegovim slikama je prenet na torbe, a sličnost između slika i odeće je više nego očigledan. Sviđa mi se način na koji je kolekcija predstavljena, celokupni dojam revije je nešto što nećemo videti u skorijoj budućnosti.
P. S. Druga fotografija je iz serije fotografija koju je Džulijen Mur uradila sa Peterom Lindbergom, i gde su ponovo kreirali slike poznatih umetnika. Više fotografija iz te serije možete da vidite ovde.
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