Many tales have been told about Aussie 3 Minute miracle treatments and most of them were the ones that resulted with amazing looking hair. Like a person who loves using as many hair treatments as possible I'm surprised I waited this long to try this mask. Aussie has a wide range of products grouped into eight collections: Take the heat (for heat protecting), Miracle Moist (for added hydration), Aussome volume (for big and voluminous hair), Colour matte (for colored hair), Luscious long (for long hair), Frizz (for taming the frizzy hair), Mega (apparently, as it says on their website, for the hair that's already healthy) and Miracle shine (for shinny, healthy hair). They recently launched collection of body washes as well.

From all the ranges Miracle shine seemed the most appealing to me, because my hair was looking a bit dull and not that shinny so I got the deep treatment from this collection.
My first impression was that the packaging is great! I've never seen a packaging like this, there's a hole at the bottom, you just need to squeeze the bottle and the product will come out. I know it's not something revolutionaty, but it deefinitely comes in handy while you are in the shower and it's tricky to open the lid with wet hands. There's no need to worry about product leaking by itself, the bottle is well designed and the product comes out only when the bottle is squeezed.
Smell is nice, but you can feel an organic sent to it, I'm not sure what ingredient it is and it doesn't smell bad, I thought I would mentione it because it's not one of those full of perfumes, hair salon like, smells.
I used it as a deep treatment on dry hair before I wash it, as well as the normal deep conditioner after I wash my hair (I did one or another, not both at the same time). Obviously, you are supposed to leave it on for three minutes, but I leave it for five to ten minutes like I do with every hair mask.

First thing I noticed is how silky and detangled my hair is! Sometimes I have a lot of tangles in my hair so I always love when product detangles well. The mask smell will stay on the hair until you wash it again, so that could be the problem for people who don't like it. I thought the smell is nice so I didn't mind. After I dry the hair it's noticeably softer, nicer looking, and, yes, shinny! It really makes my hair super shinny.I think I never had a conditioner or a mask that makes my hair this shinny and soft. As far as saving the damaged hair goes, I can't tell if it makes any difference because my hair is not that damaged at the moment.
Before I bought this mask I thought I wouldn't like it as much, but I ended up loving it! I will definitely repurchase. I love the way my hair looks when I use it. This is indeed a great hair mask and a nice edition to my hair care routine. Do I think it's life (or hair) changing, like a lot of people claim? No. Will it transform your hair and help you grow it Rapunzzel long? I don't think so. But it will give you nice and shinny hair and that's all I look for in a hair mask.

Mnoge priče su ispričane o Aussie 3 Minute miracle tretmanima i većina se završava kosom koja sjajno izgleda. Pošto volim da koristim što više tretmana za kosu je moguće, čudi me da sam čekala ovoliko da probam ovu masku (iliti tretman). Aussie ima širok dijapazon poizvoda u osam kolekcija: Take the heat (za zaštitu kose od toplote), Miracle Moist (za dodatnu hidrataciju), Aussome volume (za kosu sa volumenom), Colour matte (za bojenu kosu), Luscious long (za dugu kosu), Frizz (za borbu sa naelektrisanom kosom), Mega (kako kaže na sajtu, za kosu koja je već zdrava) i Miracle shine (za sjajnu, zdravu kosu). Skoro su lansirali i kolekciju gelova za tuširanje.

Od svih ovih kolekcija, meni je Miracle shine bila najprimamljivija, zato što mi je kosa izgledala pomalo beživotno i nije bila sjajna pa sam se odlučila za tretman iz ove kolekcije.
Prvi utisak mi je bio da je pakovanje odlično! Nikada nisam videla pakovanje kao što je ovo, postoji rupa na dnu, treba samo da stegnete bočicu i proizvod će izaći. Znam da ovo nije nešto revoluicionarno, ali definitivno pomaže kada se tuširate pa je komplikovano da otvarate poklopce mokrim rukama. Ne treba brinuti o tome da će maska da iscuri, bočica je dobro osmišljena i proizvod izlazi samo kada je stegnuta.
Lepo miriše, mada se može osetiti neki organski miris, nisam sigurna koji sastojak tako miriše, miris nije ružan, ali sam mislila da to spomenem zato što nije jedan od onih mirisa salonskih proizvoda punih parfema.
Ja sam ga koristila kao tretman za suvu kosu pre nego što je operem, kao i u funkciji običnog regeneratora posle pranja (ne u isto vreme). Očigledno, treba da ga ostavite na kosi tri minuta, ali ja sam ga ispirala posle pet do deset minuta kao što obično radim sa svakom maskom.

Prva stvar koju sam primetila je koliko mi je kosa svilenkasta i razmršena. Ponekad mi se kosa dosta mrsi tako da uvek volim proizvode koji mogu da je razmrse. Miris maske će ostati na kosi dok je ponovo ne operete, to može biti problem za one kojima se miris ne dopada. Meni miriše lepo pa mi to ne smeta. Kada se kosa osuši, primetno je mekša, izgleda lepo, i, da, jeste sjajna! Zaista postane jako sjajna.Mislim da nikada nisam koristila  regenerator ili masku od kojih mi je kosa ovoliko sjajna i mekana. Što se spašavanja oštećene kose tiče, ne mogu baš da zaključim da li deluje, zato što mi kosa trenutno nije toliko oštećena. 
Pre nego što sam kupila ovu masku nisam mislila da će mi se ovoliko svideti, ali jako sam je zavolela! Sigurno ću je ponovo kupiti. Volim kako mi kosa izgleda kad je koristim. Ovo jeste dobra maska za kosu i novi dodatak mojoj rutini za negu kose. Da li mislim da će vam promeniti život (ili kosu) kako mnogi tvrde? Ne. Da li će transformisati kosu i pomoći joj da poraste kao kod Zlatokose (one iz kule, ne sa tri medveda)? Ne verujem. Ali će od nje kosa biti lepa i sjajna i to je sve što ja tražim od maske za kosu.