While I was coming up with new post ideas I've realised this blog is seriously lacking in the perfume department, so I decided to work on that. I'm not gonna go over each and every perfume I own separately  because I'm not that good at describing scents and I don't want to publish boring posts, so I'll rather write posts like this, which is how I wrote about my perfume collection so far. 
These are among my favourite fragrances of all time. If you read my celebrity perfumes post, you might recognize one of the two celebrity perfumes I actually like. Now, when it comes to fragrances, over the years I've learnt that the price tag sometimes doesn't matter. In most cases it does, but from time to time you can find a great fragrance that doesn't cost much.
Here are my favourite inexpensive fragrances.

Hollister California perfume If you've heard of Hollister first thing that is crossing your mind is probably casual clothes. And, yes, they are famous for their clothes, but I've never bought any clothing items from Hollister. I got this perfume on my trip to San Francisco. My cousin had it and I liked the smell so much that I had to buy it. Eventually, my sister and I both got it. This perfume smells amazing, like California in a bottle, the scent now reminds me of my trip, like it usually goes with smells. What intrigued me the most about this perfume is how long it lasts! It will stay on your skin even after you take a shower and if you spray it directly on the hair it will smell for days. 

Christina Aguilera By Night perfume One of my favourite perfumes, it smells incredible! Some of the notes you can really smell in this perfume are freesia, tangerine, red apple, vanilla, amber and sandalwood. I love the way how they combined all the notes together and created this great scent. Only downside is that it doesn't last that long after you spray it. The scent is strong for only couple hours, after that you can barely smell it.

Oriflame Oasis Warm sunset eau de toilette Again, the fragrance that has freesia, amber and vanilla, which I apparently find irresistible in a scent. If you never smelled this, I highly recommend trying it, it's so warm and enchanting. Unfortunately, like By Night, it doesn't last long. Still, it's eau de toilette, so that's maybe the reason why it's not long lasting.

Avon Pur Blanca eau de toilette It's not in the photo, because I had only the small bottle with a roll-on and I used it up, but definitely a scent worth mentioning. It smells so clean and refreshing. Now while I'm writing this I'm thinking about ordering this fragrance again. On me it lasts for ages, and the scent changes so well, that I think it smells even better after couple of hours.

Did you try any of these, do you like them? What are your favourite inexpensive perfumes? 

Dok sam smišljala ideje za nove postove, shvatila sam da na blogu nedostaje više postova o parfemima, pa sam odlučila da poradim na tome. Neću sada da idem redom i pišem o svakom svom parfemu, zato što ne znam toliko dobro da opišem parfeme i ne želim da objavljujem dosadne postove, pa ću radije pisati ovakve postove, što je i bio način na koji sam do sada pisala o svojoj kolekciji parfema.
Ovo su neki od meni omiljenih mirisa svih vremena. Ako ste pročitali moj post o parfemima koje su kreirale poznate ličnosti, možda prepoznajete jedan od dva takva parfema koje volim. Što se tiče parfema, tokom godina sam shvatila da cena ponekad ne igra bitnu ulogu. U većini slučajeva ona garantuje kvalitet, ali možete pronaći i sjajne parfeme koji nisu skupi.
Ovo su moji omiljeni:

Hollister California parfem Ako ste čuli za Hollister prva stvar koja vam pada na pamet je verovatno opuštena odeća. I, da, oni jesu poznati brend kežual odeće, ali nikada nisam kupila ni jedan njihov odevni predmet. Ovaj parfem sam zavolela kada sam bila u San Francisku. Moja rođaka ga je imala, meni se miris toliko svideo da sam morala da ga kupim. Na kraju smo ga moja sestra i ja obe kupile. Miriše neverovatno, kao Kalifornija u bočici, sada me podseća na to putovanje, kako to obično bude sa mirisima. Ono što me je najviše zaintrigiralo kod ovog parfema je njegova trajnost. Ostaje na koži i posle tuširanja, a kad se naprska direktno na kosu miriše danima.

Christina Aguilera By Night parfem Jedan od mojih omiljenih parfema, miriše neverovatno! Neke od nota koje su jako izražene u ovom parfemu su fezija, mandarina, crvena jabuka, vanila, ćilibar i sandalovina. Mnogo mi se sviđa kako su ove note iskombinovane da bi se dobio sjajan miris. Njegova mana je to što upošte nije trajan. Miris je intenzivan samo nekoliko sati, posle toga jedva da može da se namiriše.

Oriflame Oasis Warm sunset toaletna voda Opet miris koji sadrži freziju, ćilibar i vaniilu, kojima ja izgleda ne mogu da odolim u parfemima. Ako ga nikada niste pomirisali, moja je preporuka da ga probate, tako je topao i magičan. Nažalost, kao By Night, ni ovaj miris ne traje dugo. Ipak, u pitanju je toaletna voda, tako da je možda to razlog za kratku trajnost.

Avon Pur Blanca toaletna voda Nema je na fotografiji, potrošila sam malu bočicu sa kuglicom koju sam imala, ali definitivno je treba pomenuti. Miriše nekako čisto i osvežavajuće. Sada dok ovo pišem razmišljam o tome da je ponovo naručim. Na meni je jako dugotrajna, i miris se tako lepo menja, čini mi se da bolje miriše posle nekoliko sati.

Jeste li probali neki od ovih mirisa, da li vam se sviđaju? Koji su vaši omiljeni parfemi koji nisu skupi?