Around this time of the year Internet is filled with back to school tips, makeup tutorials and outfit ideas. I actually loved going to school and was so excited about getting school supplies and new clothes and always picked a special outfit for the first day. It is important to start the school in the right mind set because that will help you in having a positive attitude and continuing the school year in the same spirit.
Inspired by that I decided to do this post with a simple, wearable, everyday look. Back when I was in high school I actually didn't wear much makeup. My years in primary school were the ones where I experimented with makeup (which I wouldn't recommend). I remember that one time my chemistry teacher almost sent me home because I was wearing eclectic blue eyeshadow (that was matching my shirt, of course). In high school only makeup I wore was eyeliner and mascara. I never wore foundation or even powder. There were times when I didn't wear any makeup at all. Outside school I experimented with makeup a lot, but I didn't think I needed to wear that much makeup at school. In my last year of high school I started incorporating some eyeshadow and lipstick or gloss in my looks.
Today I feel like the trends (and times) changed a lot and girls are starting to wear more makeup from earlier ages. I won't lecture anyone and claim that is a bad thing, because I strongly believe in self expression and that everyone has a right to choose what works best for them, but remember, you don't always have to wear what is on trend and what you see online (big brows, bold lips, heavy contouring, you name it). Pick the makeup that works for you and is appropriate for the situation. For this look I picked affordable, drugstore items, because I think you don't need to wear expensive makeup while you are still in school.
Makeup I'm wearing:
Bourjois 123 Perfect CC eye cream (I later realised it's not in the photos)
Alverde compact powder in 30 Beige (applied very lightly)
Essence Cinderella blush in 01 So this is love
Essence Cinderella highlighter in 01 The glass slipper
Oriflame Matte velvet Cream eye shadow in Matte taupe
Bourjois Liner Pinceau Liquid eyeliner in 32 Noir
Bourjois Twist up the Volume mascara in 21 black
NYX Tinted brow mascara in Black
Essence Longlasting lipstick in 04 On the catwalk!
Deborah lipliner in 10
U ovo doba godine internet je pun saveta, ideja za šminku i odevne kombinacije za početak školske godine. Ja sam jako volela da idem u školu i bila uzbuđena oko kupovine školskog pribora, nove odeće i uvek sam posebno birala šta ću da obučem za prvi septembar. Smatram da je bitno početi školu u dobrom raspoloženju koje će vam pomoći da budete pozitivni i nastavite godinu u istom duhu.
Inspirisan time je i ovaj post sa jednostavnom, nosivom šminkom za svaki dan. Dok sam ja išla u srednju školu nisam se puno šminkala. Zapravo sam u osnovnoj školi eksperimentisala sa šminkom (što ne preporučujem). Sećam se da me je jednom profesorka hemije zamalo poslala kući jer sam nosila jarku plavu senku (koja se slagala sa majicom, naravno). U srednjoj školi jedino što sam koristila su ajlajner i maskara. Nikada nisam nosila tečni puder, čak ni onaj u kamenu. Bilo je perioda kada se uopšte nisam ni šminkala. Van škole sam dosta eksperimentisala sa šminkom, ali je ta količina iste bila preterana za školu. Tek u četvrtoj godini počela sam da uključujem senku, karmin ili sjaj u svakodnevni izgled.
Mislim da su se danas trendovi (i vreme) dosta promenili i devojčice počinju jako rano da se šminkaju. Neću ovde nikome da pametujem kako je to loše, zato što jako verujem u lično izražavanje i u to da svako ima pravo da izabere ono što njemu odgovara, ali zapamtite, ne morate uvek da nosite ono što je ''u trendu'' ili što vidite na internetu (debele obrve, jarke usne, preterano konturiranje i tako dalje). Izaberite šminku koja vama odgovara i koja je prikladna za priliku. Za ovaj post sam izabrala povoljnije, dostupnije proizvode jer smatram da je nepotrebno da devojke koje su još u školi nose skupu šminku.
Šminka koju nosim:
Bourjois 123 Perfect CC eye cream (kasnije sam shvatila da nije na fotografiji)
Alverde puder u kamenu u nijansi 30 Beige (u veoma tankom sloju)
Essence Cinderella rumenilo, boja 01 So this is love
Essence Cinderella hajlajter, nijansa 01 The glass slipper
Oriflame Matte velvet kremasta senka Matte taupe
Bourjois Liner Pinceau tečni ajlajner 32 Noir
Bourjois Twist up the Volume maskara 21 Black
NYX Maskara za obrve, nijansa Black
Essence Longlasting karmin, boja 04 On the catwalk!
Deborah olovka za usne broj 10
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