Essie nail polishes have so many lovely shades so it's hard to pick just one. As far as the texture goes, it's also different from a polish to a polish, not all of them are the same. These are the couple I like a lot and have been wearing the most during last year.
Looking for love Mint blue nails have been all the rage in the past couple of years, and this shade is perfect for getting the right colour of mint blue.
Aperitif Lately I've been really into red nails and while I was looking for great red nail polishes I got this one. It is a nice red polish and I wear it on my toes mostly.
Smokin hot One of my favourite colours ever, dark gray with a cool undertone.
Chinchilly Another neutral wearable shade, light gray with warm undertone.
Sole mate Dark purple burgundy, great for autumn and a colour I wear very often.
All in one base This is not really a nail polish, but it is a great base and top coat, one of the best I've tried.
What are your favourite Essie shades?
What are your favourite Essie shades?
Essie lakovi za nokte imaju toliko divnih nijansi da je teško izabrati samo jednu. Što se teksture tiče, ona varira od laka do laka, nije ista kod svih boja. Ovo su neke koje jako volim i koje sam nosila najviše u toku prethodne godine.
Looking for love Mint plavi nokti su jako popularni nekoliko godina unazad, i ova nijansa je savršena za dobijanje one prave mint plave boje.
Aperitif U poslednje vreme mi se dosta sviđaju crveni lakovi i dok sam tražila savršeni crveni lak kupila sam i ovaj. Ovo je stvarno lepa nijansa crvene i uglavnom ga nosim na noktima na nogama.
Smokin hot Jedna od mojih najomiljenijih boja ikada, tamna siva sa hladnim podtonom.
Chinchilly Još jedna neutralna nosiva nijansa, svetlo siva sa toplim podtonom.
Sole mate Tamna burgundi ljubičasta, sjajna za jesen i boja koju nosim jako često.
All in one base Ovo tehnički nije lak za nokte, ali je odličan podlak i nadlak, jedan od boljih koje sam probala.
Koje su vaše omiljene Essie nijanse?
Koje su vaše omiljene Essie nijanse?
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