It's been a while since I did a post about my favourite mascaras. Usually I opt for drugstore mascaras because they are as good (or even better) than high end ones. My favourite brand for mascaras was L'Oreal, all until I discovered Bourjois Twist up the volume mascara which is now my holy grail product.

So here it goes, all of my current favourites at one place.

Bourjois Twist up the volume The best mascara I've ever used. It gives me both length and volume and makes my lashes look amazing. You can read more about it in this post.

Bourjois Volume glamour Max definition mascara Also a nice mascara from Bourjois, you can read my full review here.

Gosh Show me volume mascara It's a bit on a dryer side, but it gives the lashes a lot of length and the brush is really nice.

Kiko Luxurious Lashes maxi brush mascara The loveliest mascara from Kiko, it smells great and separates the lashes like no other mascara.

L'Oreal Volume million lashes Like I said, L'Oreal used to by my favourite brand for mascaras. Their silicone brushes are impeccable. This one is great for everyday looks and the formulation is very nice.

L'Oreal False lash wings Similar to Volume million lashes, but the texture is a bit thicker. The brush is created to give you lovely feather like winged lashes.

Max Factor 2000 Calorie dramatic volume An old school mascara, many people have been using it for years and it really is an excellent product. The brush has a narrow tip so you can reach all the lashes, even the short ones in the corner of your eye.

Rimmel Lash Accelerator endless This one makes your lashes grow faster, enough said. And it's actually a really nice mascara with a handy brush.

Prošlo je dosta vremena od kad sam poslednji put pisala o omiljenim maskarama. Obično kupujem drogerijske maskare jer su jednako dobre (ili čak bolje) od onih skupljih. L'Oreal mi je dugo bio omiljeni brend maskara, sve dok nisam otkrila Bourjois Twist up the volume maskaru, koja mi je sad nezamenjiv proizvod u kolekciji šminke.

I evo ih sve moje omiljene maskare na jednom mestu.

Bourjois Twist up the volume Kao što sam spomenula, ovo je najbolja maskara koju sam ikad koristila. Daje i dužinu i volumen trepavicama i sa njom one izgledaju sjajno. Možete da pročitate više u ovom postu.

Bourjois Volume glamour Max definition mascara Još jedna lepa Bourjois maskara, možete da pročitate celu recenziju ovde.

Gosh Show me volume mascara Pomalo je suva, ali daje sjajne, duge trepavice i četkica je jako dobra.

Kiko Luxurious Lashes maxi brush mascara Najbolja Kiko maskara, miriše odlično i odvaja trepavice kao ni jedna druga.

L'Oreal Volume million lashes Već sam napisala da je L'Oreal bio moj omiljeni brend maskara. Njihove silikonske četkice su nenadmašive. Ova je savršena za svaki dan i formula je jako dobra.

L'Oreal False lash wings Liči na Volume million lashes, ali tekstura je malo gušća. Četkica je osmišljena tako da vam da sjajne paperjaste trepavice izvučene u stranu.

Max Factor 2000 Calorie dramatic volume Stara i dobro poznata maskara, mnogi je koriste godinama i zaista jeste odličan proizvod. Četkica ima uzak vrh pa nije teško pokriti sve trepavice, čak i one najkraće u uglu oka.

Rimmel Lash Accelerator endless Od ove maskare vam trepavice brže rastu, što je samo po sebi dovoljno. Pored toga ovo je lepa maskara sa praktičnom četkicom.