Halloween is fastly approaching and it's time to come up with a costume if you yet haven't. Regular readers on my blog will know I prefer retro costumes more than really scary ones, that's just me I love dressing up in costumes from different eras. This time I opted for 60s look. The main feature to emphasize are, of course, the eyes, we all know how beautiful and doll like are the models from the 60s, that was mainly because of their big doll eyes.

First create a perfect doll like face. I used Revlon Colorstay foundation for combination/oily skin in the colour 220 natural beige and Rimmel Stay Matte long lasting pressed powder in 011 transparent to blot the foundation. Under the eyes I used the lightest concealer from Coastal Scents Camouflage Palette. Because this is a costume makeup I used a lot of blush to give it that costumy, cartoony feel. The blush I used is Deborah Hi-Tech blush in 24 Rame. For highlighting I used Essence Cinderella highlighter in The glass slipper.

I love using L'Oreal pigments (or Colour infaillible shadows if you like) and this time I applied the one in Forever Pink. What I like to do with these pigments is to use a thin layer of eyeshadow glue all over the lid, let it dry a bit and then dab a lot of pigment on top. This way the pigment will really stand out. After the shadow I used Bourjois Liner Pinceau liquid eyeliner in 32 noir beaux-arts to draw the lines on the eye lids and Maybelline Master drama pencil eyeliner in Ultra black for the line under the eye. On the waterline and between liquid and pencil liner I used NYX Jumbo pencil in Milk. I also draw fake looking bottom lashes using the Bourjois liquid eyeliner, because I wanted to give the eyes a bit of cartoony feel as well. To finish off the eyes I used Bourjois Twist up the volume mascara in 21 black.

I wanted prominent, sharp brows so along with NYX brow mascara in black I used black eyeshadow from Coastal Scents 88 Original palette (naturally, any black eyeshadow will work). Nude lips were very popular during the 60s so I used Golden Rose Velvet matte lipstick in 03 together with Golden Rose Dream lips lipliner in 501 to create a nude lip.

Below are some of my previous costume ideas so you can check them out if you want more Halloween inspiration. Click on the name of the makeup look for full tutorial.
If you want to have more fun with 60s makeup, go to the end of this post where I'll leave an excellent makeup tutorial video that was made in the 60s. It's not the makeup similar to the one I've showed here, but it's interesting to see how the tutorials looked like back then and how a little has changed regarding the makeup applying techniques since then.

Noć veštica je iza ugla, a kako je ovaj praznik sve popularniji i kod nas vreme je da oni koji planiraju da se kostimiraju smisle koji će im biti kostim, ako do sada nisu. Česti čitaoci na mom blogu će znati da ja preferiram retro kostime u odnosu na one ''strašne'', to je jednostavno moj stil, obožavam kostime iz različitih epoha. Ovog puta odlučila sam se za šezdesete godine dvadesetog veka. Glavno što na licu u ovom slučaju treba naglasiti su, naravno, oči. Svi znamo kako su manekenke iz šezdesetih lepe sa svojim lutkastim izgledom, a to je uglavnom zbog njihovih krupnih očiju koje deluju kao oči lutke.

Prvo što treba da uradite jeste da stvorite savršen porcelanski ten. Ja sam koristila Revlon Colorstay tečni puder za kombinovanu i masnu kožu u boji 22o natural beige i Rimmel Stay Matte long lasting pressed powder u boji 011 transparent za fiksiranje tečnog pudera. Ispod očiju koristila sam najsvetliji korektor iz Coastal Scents Camouflage palete. Zato što je ovo šminka za kostim nanela sam dosta rumenila da bih dobila taj izgled kao iz crtanog filma. Rumenilo je Deborah Hi-Tech blush nijansa 24 Rame. Za hajlajter sam izabrala Essence Cinderella highlighter u nijansi The glass slipper. 

Mnogo volim da koristim L'Oreal pigmente (tj. Colour infaillible senke) i ovog puta je to nijansa Forever Pink. Ono što ja volim da uradim sa ovim pigmentima je da prvo nanesem tanak sloj lepka za trepavice preko celog kapka, ostavim da se malo prosuši i onda natapkam dosta pigmenta preko. Na ovaj način će pigmenti zaista doći do izražaja. Posle senke koristila sam Bourjois Liner Pinceau tečni ajlajner u boji 32 noir beaux-arts da iscrtam linije na kapcima i Maybelline Master drama olovku za oči u boji Ultra black za liniju ispod oka. Na samoj liniji donjeg kapka i između tečnog i ajlajnera u olovci nacrtala sam belu liniju uz pomoć NYX Jumbo olovke za oči u boji Milk. Takođe sam dodala lažne donje trepavice uz pomoć Bourjois tečnog ajlajnera, jer sam želela da i oči odaju utisak kao da su nacrtane. Za kraj sam nanela Bourjois Twist up  the volume maskaru u boji 21 black.

Želela sam izražene, oštre obrve pa sam uz NYX maskaru za obrve u boji black koristila i crnu senku iz Coastal Scents 88 Original palete (naravno, svaka crna senka će odgovarati). Nude usne su bile jako popularne tokom šeždesetih pa sam uz pomoć Golden Rose Velvet matte karmina u boji 03 zajedno sa Golden Rose Dream lips olovkom za usne u broju 501 dobila savršenu nude nijansu usana.

Ispod su neke od mojih prethodnih ideja za kostime pa možete i njih da pogledate ako želite još inspiracija za kostime. Kliknite na naziv ispod slike za ceo tutorijal.
Ako želite još malo da se zabavite uz šminku iz šezdesetih idite na sam kraj posta gde ću da vam ostavim jedan sjajan video, tutorial za šminku koji je tada nastao. U njemu nije šminka kakvu sam ja pokazala u postu, ali je zanimljivo videti kako su tada tutorijali izgledali i kako se do danas nije mnogo toga promenilo što se tehnike šminkanja tiče.

H&M dress
Accessorize head scarf
No brand earings