I love discovering new creamy eye shadows, you had a chance to see that in many posts, including this one. Recently I tried out these from Oriflame and I have to say they are very nice and didn't disappoint me. Texture is quite creamy (although, technically these are eyeshadow sticks), but when you give them time they'll dry out so you can apply eyeliner on top, or another layer of shadow (which I prefer). They last long, longer when you use a primer, although with primer they are not as shinny. Colour range is great and all the colours are amazing! They could be a bit less creamy, still this texture doesn't smudge so it's not that bad. Most of the time we are searching for shadows that are pigmented and shiny, because they look so good on the lids. That's why I wanted to do a separate post on these, they really do look very nice on the eyes. I tried two colours Iced Sand and Mauve Lava.
Iced Sand is a gorgeous pale gold that looks almost white in strong light. You can even use it under the brow or in the corners of your eyes if you blend it a lot.
Mauve Lava has got to be one of my favourite brown creamy eye shadows. It has a cold undertone and is very pigmented and shinny.
Have you tried any of these eyeshadow sticks? How do you like them?
Obožavam da otkrivam nove kremaste senke, imali ste priliku da ih vidite u mnogim postovima uključujući i ovaj ovde. Skoro sam probala Oriflame The One senke i moram da kažem da su jako lepe i nisu me ni malo razočarale. Tekstura je dosta kremasta (mada su ovo tehnički senke u stiku), ali ako im date vremena lepo će da se osuše pa možete da koristite ajlajner preko ili nanesete još jedan sloj senke (što ja više volim). Dugo traju, duže sa podlogom za senku, naravno, iako se sa njom ne sijaju toliko. Izbor boja je odličan i sve su predivne! Mogle bi da budu i malo manje kremaste, ali i ovako se ne razmazuju kad se osuše pa to nije toliki problem. Uglavnom svi tražimo senke koje su pigmentovane ali i sjajne, zato što neverovatno izgledaju na kapcima. Zato sam želela da uradim posaban post o ovim senkama, zaista lepo izgledaju na očima. Ja sam probala dve boje Iced Sand i Mauve Lava.
Iced Sand je divna bledo zlatna koja izgleda skoro belo na jakom svetlu. Možete da je koristite čak i ispod obrva ili u uglu oka ako je lepo razmažete.
Mauve Lava bi morala da bude jedna od mojih omiljenih braon kremasti senki. Ima hladan podton i veoma je pigmentovana i sjajna.
Da li ste probali ove senke? Kako vam se dopadaju?
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