One of 90s trends that came back in style is the bucket bag. Its size between small crossbody bag and oversized totes and unique, interesting shape is what makes a bucket bag great accessory for everyday outfits. I was searching for a perfect model for ages, I didn't want one of those small suede bags with fringes, but I also didn't need a bag that's too expensive or over the top, because I wasn't sure whether I will love this type of bag enough to wear it all the time.

Answer came when I saw this one in a small store near my apartment. At first it looked like something that won't go well with the clothes I have (because of the colour), but I told myself I don't need jet another black bag, so I went for it. And I love this bag! I carry it all the time, colour isn't even an issue.

Another great find I'm wearing here are these lovely vintage loafers. They are actually my Mum's and recently she dug them up and gave them to me, she usually instinctively knows what's in style right now and that was the case with these shoes as well.

Jedan od trendova devedesetih koji se vratio na velika vrata jeste i bucket torba. Njena veličina koja je između tašnice i velikih torbi i zanimljiv, jedinstven oblik su ono što čini bucket torbu savršenim modnim dodatkom za svaki dan. Tražila sam odgovarajući model jako dugo, nisam želela jednu od onih malih torbi od prevrnute kože sa resama, ali isto tako ni torbu koja je preskupa, jer nisam bila sigurna da li će mi se ovaj tip torbe svideti dovoljno da bih ga često nosila.

Odgovor je stigao u vidu ove torbe na koju sam naletela u maloj prodavnici blizu mog stana. Na prvi pogled je delovala kao nešto što se neće slagati sa mojom odećom (zbog boje), ali sam rekla sebi da mi zaista ne treba još jedna crna torba, pa sam je kupila. I obožavam ovu torbu! Često je nosim, boja više ni ne predstavlja problem.

Još jedno sjajno otkriće su i ove divne vintage cipele. Njih je u stvari kupila i nosila moja mama i skoro ih je pronašla i dala meni, ona obično instiktivno zna šta je trenutno moderno, što je bio slučaj i sa ovim cipelama.

No brand bucket bag, similar here
Vintage shoes, similar here
H&M sweater, similar here
Zara jeans
DVF sunglasses
Casio watch
Vintage and Ti Sento rings
Zara coat

Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)

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