With the launch of couple of new products, Maybelline also did a bit of rebranding so instead of good old ''maybe she was born with it'' they introduced ''make it happen'' slogan. The old phrase is well known, not only in the beauty industry, we all got used to hearing it at the end of every Maybelline commercial. However, it was probably too long for hashtags and complicated in the era of ''just do it'' and ''let's do this''. At first I didn't like the slogan (a hater's gonna hate), but now I have to say it is catchy and unique in its simplicity. So what about the products? Here I'm wearing the whole ''it look'', new mascara, eyeliner and, of course, Vivid Matte Liquid lipstick.
Master Precise Curly is Maybelline's answer to ever growing trend of eyeliners. I'm more of liquid eyeliner gal myself, so I'm not blown away by this one. It is a nice eyeliner, you can draw a straight line, even the winged eye if you try a lot, but it is on a drier side and pulls your eyelid quite a bit. Pigmentation is quite nice, a truly dark black colour that stays putt all day.
The Falsies Push up drama is the newest mascara in huge family of Maybelline mascaras, and it's your regular mascara with a silicone brush. I have to admit I didn't use Maybelline mascaras as much lately, but I used to be the biggest fan of their Volum' express waterproof mascara. I feel like all of their mascaras have similar formulation, but they get the job done and give you nice lashes.
And finally, my favourite of the bunch, Vivid Matte Liquid lipsticks. When I first tried them I was confused, they are not matte as I expected. I thought I will get a truly matte lip, like with Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet, instead they give you a glossy finish and shiny lips. Here I'm wearing Electric pink and I also have the shade Possessed plum. The shades are a bit different, Electric pink applies more easily while the other one can look blotchy. Brush is amazing, it makes overlining super easy. Great thing about these lipsticks is that when they come off, they leave you with a nice lip stain, so you don't have to worry about that, just apply it and leave the lipstick to do the rest.
Sa lansiranjem nekoliko novih proizvoda Maybelline je radio i na rebrandiranju, pa su umesto dobro poznatog ''možda je rođena sa tim'' uveli novi slogan, ''make it happen''. Stara fraza je dobro poznata, i to ne samo u industriji lepote, svi smo se navikli na to da je čujemo na kraju svake Maybelline reklame. Ipak, verovatno je bila preduga za heštagove i komplikovana u eri fraza kao što su ''just do it'' i ''let's do this''. Prvo mi se slogan nije svideo (hejter je uvek hejter), ali sada moram da kažem da jeste zvučna i jedinstvena u svojoj jednostavnosti. Pa koje sam to proizvode ja probala? Ovde nosim sve njih, novu maskaru, ajlajner, i naravno, Vivid Matte Liquid ruž.
Master Precise Curly je odgovor Maybelline-a na rastući trend nošenja ajlajnera. Ja sam više za tečne ajlajnere, pa me ovaj nije toliko oduševio. Jeste dobar, može sa njim da se iscrta prava linija, čak i izduženi ajlajner ako se potrudite, ali je malo suvlji i vuče kapak kada se nanosi. Dosta je pigmentovan, ovo je prava duboko crna boja koja ceo dan stoji na kapcima.
The Falsies Push up drama je najnoviji član u ogromnoj porodici Maybelline maskara i to je standardna maskara sa silikonskom četkicom. Moram da priznam da nisam puno koristila Maybelline maskare u poslednje vreme, ali sam nekada bila najveći fan njihove Volum' express vodootporne maskare. Nekako mi se uvek čini da sve njihove maskare imaju sličnu formulu, ali rade svoj posao i daju vam lepe trepavice.
I na kraju, moj favorit u ovoj grupici proizvoda, Vivid Matte Liquid ruževi. Kada sam ih prvo probala bila sam zbunjena, nisu mat kao što smo svi očekivali. Mislila sam da ću dobiti pravi mat karmin, kao sa Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet ruževima, ali umesto toga daju sjajan finiš. Ovde nosim Electric pink, a imam i nijansu Possessed plum. One se dosta razlikuju, Electric pink se lakše nanosi, dok Possessed plum može da izgleda neravnomerno. Četkica je odlična, čak se sa njom mogu i precrtavati usne. Dobra stvar kod ovih karmina je to što kada se skinu na usnama ostaje boja, pa ne morate da brinete oko skidanja, samo ga nanesete a sam karmin će se postarati za ostalo.
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