You probably noticed how big the ''mom'' jeans trend is. And it doesn't get better than Levi's 501 in that department. I love wearing them, they are so comfortable and practical. You do have to pick your outfit carefully, pairing them with bulky sweaters and leather jackets may make look like 80's rock star. But anything else is allowed. Delicate blouses and body suits look the best with mom jeans, add a nice jacket on top and you will have retro outfit that can also be office friendly. Here I opted for something a bit more relaxed and added espadrilles (because who doesn't like espadrilles?) and many layers of jewelry.
Verovatno ste primetili koliko je veliki trend retro farmerki visokog struka. A što se njih tiče, nema boljeg modela od Levi's 501 farmerki. Obožavam da ih nosim, toliko su udobne i praktične. Jedino na šta treba da pazite je odabir odevne kombinacije, ako ih uklopite sa velikim džemperima i kožnim jaknama izgledaćete kao da ste ispali iz spota iz osamdesetih. Ali sve ostalo je dozvoljeno. Delikatne bluze i bodiji izgledaju najbolje sa ovim tipom farmerki, dodajte lep sako na sve to i dobićete retro kombianciju koju ćete moći da nosite i na posao. Ovde sam se opredelila za nešto opuštenije i ukombinovala ih sa espadrilama (jer ko ne voli espadrile?) i dosta slojeva nakita.
Levi's 501 jeans, similar here
Zara blouse, similar here
Women'secret bodysuit
H&M jacket
Deichmann espadrilles
ZAC Zac Posen bag, similar here
Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses
Vintage and H&M necklaces
Vintage and Pandora bracelets
Vintage ring
Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)
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