I know most of skincare experts would shake their head in disapproval if they heard this, but I love washing my face with a soap bar. There is just something so comforting in this little ritual and I used to do it for years. Note that my skin is oily. If you try to wash your not so oily face with a soap bar everyday (presumingly twice a day), results would definitely not be good.
Soap is known for drying the skin, although I never noticed this on my own skin. People who have oily skin can get away with it, but if your skin is acne prone and you use a lot of acne treatments next to everyday soap, well, you are not doing your skin any favours and will for sure end up with dry, flaky skin.
Still, you don't have to start planing switching to creamy cleansers just jet. And truth to be told, most of them contain soap as well. Good thing to do is to switch to products with syndet. Syndet is a synthetic ingredient, much similar to soap, but more gentle on the skin. There is a variety or syndet soap bars on the market and the one I really like is Sebamed Clear Face Wasch-syndet.
It foams up nicely (not like regular soaps, but close enough), cleans the skin efficiently and won't leave you with dry skin that feels tight. The texture of the soap might be weird at first, it's somehow dry and doesn't feel soapy, but you'll get used to it fast. It smells so nice, fresh and clean like most of Sebamed products.
Have you tried any products with syndet? What do you think about them?
Znam da bi se mnogi eksperti za negu kože zgrozili kad ovo čuju, ali ja volim da se umivam sapunom. Nešto je posebno u samom ritualu i to sam radila godinama. Imajte na umu da je moja koža masna. Ako probate da svakog dana čistite kožu koja nije masna sapuinom (i to verovatno dva puta dnevno), ishod neće biti baš najbolji.
Sapun je poznat po tome što isušuje kožu, iako to nikada nisam primetila na svojoj koži. Onima koji imaju masnu kožu to može da prođe, ali ako vam je koža sklona aknama i koristite dosta tretmana protiv njih pored sapuna, ne činite koži uslugu i sigurno ćete završiti sa suvom kožom koja se peruta.
Ipak, ne morate da pređete na kremaste čistače ako to ne želite. I činjenica je da većina njih takođe sadrži sapun. Ono što možete da uradite je da počnete da koristite proizvode sa sindentom. Sindet je sintetički sastojak, jako sličan sapunu, ali nežniji prema koži. Postoji dosta sapuna koji sadrže sindet na tržištu, moj omiljeni je Seba Med Clear Face Wasch-syndet.
Lepo peni (ne kao obični sapuni, ali dovoljno), efikasno čisti kožu i neće je isušiti i učiniti je zategnutom. Tekstura sapuna će vam isprva možda biti čudna, suva je i nije sapunjava, ali brzo ćete se navići. Divno miriše, sveže i čisto, kao i većina Sebamed proizvoda.
Da li ste probali neki proizvod sa sindetom? Šta mislite o njima?
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