I love Baily 44 and their classy, contemporary design. Like most of the brands I really like, they use natural, lightweight materials. The fact that I got this skirt is probably no surprise to all of you who read my blog. I could never resist stripes in all shapes and forms. Other thing I really like are strapless tops, like this one. I bought it ages ago and I still love to wear it. It is so faltering and nice. Give me a strapless top and stripes and I am one happy fashion victim. As far as pointed heels go, by now I’ve worn them so much that wearing them feels like home.

Jako volim brend Baily 44 I njihov jednostavan, moderan dizajn. Kao i većina brendova koje zaista volim, koriste lagane, prirodne materijale. Činjenica da sam nabavila baš ovu suknju verovatno nije iznenađujuća za sve koji prate moj blog. Nikada ne mogu da odolim prugama u svim oblicima i krojevima. Druga stvar koju jako volim su bluze bez bratela. Ovu sam kupila pre sto godina i i dalje obožavam da je nosim. Tako je lepa i divno stoji. Dajte mi top bez bratela i prugice i biću jedna srećna žrtva mode. Što se špicastih cipela tiče, do sada sam ih toliko iznosila da se u njima osećam kao kod kuće.

Bailey 44 skirt
H&M top
New Look heels
Mango bag
Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses
Asos choker
Casio watch
Pandora and Ti Sento rings

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