I'm really picky when it comes to my florals. I don't like them frilly, girly and too colorful. I like them as simple as possible, and preferably in geometric shapes. Some may say it defeats the purpose of florals if you keep looking for geometric ones. Those some have never seen the wide selection of different, unique floral prints. Some of them even look like actual plants, instead of being turned into a mush of colour and patterns. When you can't identify where one flower begins and other ends, it's the time to step away from the garment made of the material in question. I like this dress because it's black, but it still has a floral print. What more can a girl ask for?

Dosta sam izbirljiva kada je reč o cvetnom printu. Ne volim onaj koji je lepršav i previše raznobojan. Volim da bude što jednostavniji, i još bolje prožet geometrijskim oblicima. Neki možda misle da to poništava poentu samog cvetnog printa. Ti neki nisu videli širok dijapazon različitih, jedinstvenih cvetnih printova koji danas postoje. Neki zapravo i izgledaju kao prave biljke, umesto da budu pretvoreni u smešu boja i oblika. Kada ne možete da identifikujete gde jedan cvet počinje a drugi se završava, vreme je da se udaljite od komada napravljenog od tog materijala. Ova haljina mi se mnogo sviđa jer je crna, a ima floralni print. Šta više poželeti?

Asos dress
New look heels

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