Who said black and white outfits have to be boring? When you say black and white clothes, most people think about white shirt and black skirt, but you have many more options. I often wear black and white clothes, the remains of my phase when I was only buying monochrome clothes. It's no wonder a lot of famous designers wear only black. After a while you get feed up with colours and you only want to experiment with shapes. 

I'm far from that, like I always say I love both minimalistic and boho outfits. Here I'm wearing one of my favourite shirts. I found it in a thrift shop when I first got hooked to thrift shopping. Shoes are my latest Zara find and I love how chunky the heel is. It reminds me of 90s shoes and I adore that trend.

Ko kaže da crno-bele kombinacije moraju da budu dosadne? Kada se spomene crno-bela odeća većina ljudi pomisli na belu košulju i crnu suknju, ali imate mnogo više opcija. Ja često nosim crno-bele stvari, preostale iz moje faze kad sam kupovala samo monohromnu odeću. Nije ni čudo što većina poznatih dizajnera nosi samo crno. Posle nekog vremena vam boje dosade i želite da eksperimentišete samo sa formom.

Ja sam daleko od toga, kao što uvek kažem volim i minimalističke ali i boho kombinacije. Ovde nosim jednu od svojih omiljenih košulja. Pronašla sam je u second hand radnji kada sam tek počela da volim kupovinu u njima. Cipele su najnoviji dragulj koji sam pronašla u Zari, mnogo mi se sviđa ova debela štikla. Podseća me na cipele iz devedesetih, a ja obožavam taj trend.

Vintage shirt
Zara skirt
Zara shoes
Moschino sunglasses
Accessorize bag
Casio watch
Ti Sento and Pandora rings

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