Since I've become addicted to athleisure outfits, I feel like dressing has become so much easier. You don't have to think about mixing and matching the pieces, because almost anything can go well together. Sneakers and dresses? You got it. Heels and sweatpants? Barley the sound off it would make me cringe few years ago, but now I can't wait to wear it. That's what sportswear does to you. And you know what, I love it. Rules and fashion should never be mentioned in one sentence. Wear what you like as long as you feel god in it. Feeling good in your skin is always in style.

Od kada sam postala zavisna od athleisure odevnih kombinacija imam osećaj kako mi je oblačenje postalo mnogo jednostavnije. Ne morate da razmišljate o uklapanju komada, jer skoro sve na šta pomislite može da se uklopi. Patike i haljine? Što da ne. Štikle i trenerka? Samo pominjanje istih zajedno bi me pre par godina naježilo, a danas ne mogu da dočekam da ih nosim. To vam uradi sportska odeća. I izgleda da je obožavam. Pravila i moda ne bi trebalo da se pominju u istoj rečenici. Nosite šta želite dokle god se dobro osećate o tome. Jer to nikada ne izlazi iz mode.

Asos top
Terranova pants
New look heels
ZAC Zac Posen bag
Asos watch
Vintage bracelets
Vintage and Ti Sento ring
Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses

Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)

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