Co-ords are a trend that comes and goes every now and then. Last time it had it's peek during 90s and today it's also going strong. If you never heard or them before, you've probably seen the combo of tops and bottoms made of same materials, or in the same style. That's basically the definition of a co-ord, and you have countless options to chose from. Maxi skirts and tops, body con skirts and matching blouses, denim shorts and tops... 

This one I'm wearing here is not really the most practical thing, you have a long sleeved blouse with the obvious naked part at your waist so you can't wear it when it's hot, but you can't also wear it when it's cold. So you are stuck with couple days of the year with the weather that's appropriate for its wear. Still, I like it, it has that elegant vibe, but it's not too formal. I think co-ord is the best option for beach and summer holidays, when you can wear all or those lovely shorts and tops co-ords.

Co-ord kombinacije su trend koji dođe, pa onda nestane, i tako u krug. Prošlog puta je doživeo ogromnu popularnost devedesetih i danas je opet jako popularan. Ako nikada niste čuli za co-ord, onda ste verovatno videli tu kombinaciju gde su gornji i donji deo napravljeni od istog materijala ili u istom stilu. To je u principu definicija co-ord-a, i ima milion opcija u kojima možete da ga nađete. Maksi suknje i majice, uske suknje u kompletu sa bluzama, teksas šortsevi i topovi...

Ovaj komplet koji nosim ovde nije baš najpraktičniji, imate majicu sa dugim rukavima sa očiglednim golim delom na struku, što znači da ne možete da ga nosite ni kada je vruće ni kada je hladno. Tako da vam ostaje nekoliko dana godišnje kada zapravo možete da ga nosite. Ipak mi se sviđa, jer jeste elegantan a nije previše formalan. Co-ord je možda najbolja opcija za plažu i leto kada imate slobodu da nosite raznorazne komplete šortseva i topova.

Ax Paris co-ord
Calliope vest
Asos shoes
ZAC Zac Posen bag
Asos watch
Ti Sento and vintage rings

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