Florals became infamous after the (in)famous line from ''Devil wears Prada''. That's the thing with florals, fashion industry looks down on them, but still can't live without them. I ordered this dress a while ago and I love that these are not screaming, in your face florals. Print is very subtle and discreet. And the cut is what I like the most, especially the sleeves. Here I was using the chance to were my moccasins jet again, because the day was colder than your normal summer days so it made sense to pair the two. Boho prints and bright colours are maybe a more obvious choice for summer outfits, but a nice floral dress will also work.
Cvetni print je na lošem glasu još od čuvene replike iz filma ''Đavo nosi Pradu''. To je stvar sa cvetnim printom, modna industrija ga omalovažava, ali i dalje ne može bez njega. Ovu haljinu sam naručila pre nekog vremena i volim što njen print nije onaj vrišteći i napadan cvetni print. Jako je diskretan i umeren. Kroj je zapravo ono što mi se najviše sviđa, pogotovo rukavi. Ovde sam iskoristila šansu da ponovo nosim mokasine, jer je dan bio hladniji nego uobičajeni letnji dani pa je imalo simsla da ih uparim sa haljinom. Boho print i jarke boje su možda očigledan izbor za leto, ali lepa haljina cvetnog printa takođe nije na odmet.
Asos dress
Minnetonka moccasins
Dordjo jacket
DVF sunglasses
Mango bag
Vintage bracelets
Vintage ring
Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)
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Dezen ove haljine je takav da ces moci lepo da je nosis i na jesen...
ReplyDeleteDa, print je zagasit, samo je materijal tanak. :)