Finding a perfect pair of pants is like any crucial event in life. It will happen when you least expect it. And like with other big events it will make your life that much better. I'm not saying it is the most important thing in the world, but it does make your life a  bit easier. For me those are the pants that hug your figure firmly, but are not too tight. You'll know the ones when you try them on. Somehow I became a huge fan of black pants. The first pair I had became so worn out I had to buy a new one to replace those, because I knew how much I'll need them. And I was right, I'm wearing the second pair all the time. This is my third pair of really nice black pants. Although I normally go for skinny models, I like that these are flared. They look so nice on. You do have to wear them with heels, otherwise it looks plain funny, but they are worth the sacrifice.

Pronalaženje savršenih crnih pantalona je kao bilo koji ključni životni događaj. Desiće se kad najmanje očekujete. I kao druge važne prekretnice, znatno će vam poboljšati život. Ne kažem da je ovo najbitnija stvar u životu, ali ga olakšava. Za mene su savršene pantalone one koje vam čvrsto prijanjaju uz figuru, ali nisu previše tesne. Znaćete koje su tačno kad ih probate. Nekako sam postala veliki ljubitelj crnih pantalona. Prvi par koji sam imala je postao toliko iznošen da sam morala da kupim nove koje će ih zameniti, jer sam znala koliko će mi biti potrebne. I bila sam u pravu, drugi par nosim stalno. Ovo je moj treći par lepih crnih pantalona. Iako obično biram uske modele, sviđa mi se što su u pitanju zvoncare. Jako lepo izgledaju kada se obuku. Jeste da moraju da se nose sa štiklama, inače izgledaju smešno, ali su vredne te žrtve.

Patrizia Pepe pants
Adidas T-shirt
H&M scarf
Asos shoes
Ercegovac hat
Mango bag
Vintage bracelets
Vintage ring

Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)

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