If you never heard of it, tribal print is a term used to describe a wide variety of prints inspired by different cultures and their heritage. Some people get offended by the term, because they think each of those should have its proper name. But the thing is, majority of those prints are actually invented by brands and fashion designers and don't necessarily have to represent a existing pattern. In those cases I think the term tribal is appropriate, because there really isn't any other way to name them. People are taking it too far with arguing about words and terms anyways. I always loved tribal prints and I think they look great paired with plain T-shirts and blouses. Add a pair of heels and you are set.
Ako nikada niste čuli za njega, tribal print je termin koji se koristi da bi se opisao širok dijapazon printova inspirisanih raznim kulturama i njihovim nasleđem. Neke ljude ovaj termin vređa, jer misle da svaki od ovih printova treba da ima svoje ime koje je vezano za njegovo poreklo. Ali stvar je u tome što je većina tih printova izmišljena od strane brendova i modnih dizajnera, i oni ne moraju da predstavljaju šemu koja već postoji. U tom slučaju mislim da je pojam tribal ispravan, jer ni nema drugog načina da ih imenujemo. Ljudi ionako preteruju sa raspravom o rečima i terminima. Oduvek sam volela tribal printove i mislim da sjajno izgledaju sa jednostavnim bluzama i majicama. Dodajte par cipela na štiklu i spremni ste.
No brand pants
Zara blouse
Zara sandals
Vintage Gucci bag
Vintage scarf
No brand necklace
Asos watch
Vintage bracelets
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