I always find that one piece swimsuits are the most elegant out of all swimwear. They can never look tacky, and you can even pull them off for an after the beach dinner (with right cover up, of course). The only thing I don't like about one piece swimsuits is that they are not the most practical for sunbathing. I don't sunbathe much, but nevertheless my skin will tan on vacation, and when you are wearing a one piece your stomach will stay white, which can look weird. But I still love wearing them! Especially the ones with classic vintagy vibe, like this one. I love to wear them with beach kaftans and kimonos, but they look great with shorts and skirts as well.
Uvek mislim da su jednodelni kupaći najelegantniji od svih kupaćih kostima. Nikada ne izgledaju neukusno, i možete da ih nosite čak i na večeri posle plaže (sa pravim stvarima preko, naravno). Jedino što kod njih smeta je to što nisu baš najpraktičniji za sunčanje. Ne sunčam se puno, ali bez obzira na to koža mi pocrni na odmoru i kada nosite jednodelni kupaći stomak vam ostane beo, što kasnije izgleda čudno. Ali i dalje ih volim! Posebno klasične modele sa vintage primesom, kao što je ovaj. Najviše ih nosim sa kaftanima za plažu i kimonima, ali odlično idu i uz šorts i suknju.
Women'secret swimsuit
Women'secret kimono
Accessorize bag
Park Lane Shoes gladiators
Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses
Vintage rings and bracelet
Women'secret swimsuit
Women'secret kimono
Accessorize bag
Park Lane Shoes gladiators
Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses
Vintage rings and bracelet
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