If I had a dime for every time I wore a leather jacket because I was too lazy to look for another one... And I think we all tend to do this. Almost all of my posts lately have been featuring a leather jacket, and let's face it, it is the perfect outwear for autumn days. That is if they are not as cold. So here are couple of suggestions on how to style this timeless piece.
Koliko sam samo puta nosila kožnu jaknu jer me je mrzelo da tražim neku drugu... I mislim da svi to radimo. Skoro svi moji postovi u skorije vreme uključivali su kožnu jaknu, i iskreno, ona je savršena za jesenje dane. Ukoliko nije previše hladno, naravno. Evo nekoliko predloga kako da stilizujete ovaj večni komad garderobe.
With layers
Layering is always fun, so why not add sweaters and shirts underneath your jacket for that casual, yet chic vibe.
Slojevito oblačenje je uvek zabavno, pa zašto da ne dodate džempere i majice ispod svoje jakne za opušten, šik izgled.
With jeans
Most of the time you'll see a leather jacket paired with jeans, which always looks good and is so comfortable and practical.
Najčešće ćete videti kožnu jaknu uparenu sa farmerkama, što uvek izgleda dobro i udobno je i praktično.
Over a dress
If you thought dresses and leather jackets don't go well together, then you haven't seen many Pinterest inspired outfits out there. Boho dress and leather jacket is a winning combo.
Ako ste mislili da haljine i kožne jakne ne idu zajedno, onda niste videli mnoštvo modnih kombinacija inspirisanih Pinterestom. Boho haljina i kožna jakna su dobitna kombinacija.
With colorful shirt
Shirts in bright colours are a great way to spice up any outfit and all black leather jacket outfits are the best example.Košulje u jarkim bojama su sjajan način da začinite svaki autfit, a crne kombinacije sa kožnim jaknama su najbolji primer.
Over a turtleneck
My personal favourite is pairing a leather jacket with turtlenecks. It looks so chick and elegant.Ja lično najviše volim da nosim kožnu jaknu sa rolkama. Izgleda tako šik i elegantno.
With a skirt
Same as dresses, skirts look so lovely combined with leather jackets. You can't go wrong with this type of outfit.Kao i haljine, suknje izgledaju divno u kombinaciji sa kožnim jaknama. Sa takvim autfitom ne možete da pogrešite.
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