Like every year designer collection for H&M is causing a storm in a glass of water. Although it's obvious that these collections (and everything that follows) are indeed a work of marketing geniuses, considering that similar collections (famous designers for Target for example) never draw this much attention, people are still confused, amazed and even arguing asking the same question: what's so special about it?
On one hand you have those who consider it to be the most beautiful thing fashion universe ever saw, on the other people who are hating it on every corner of the Internet. The truth is, like always, somewhere in between and I'll try to write my impressions about the collection without pink glasses or unnecessary hate (that's more appropriate for teenagers hating someone who wears a piece of clothing they don't own). After all, fashion is a game of taste (about which it should not be disputed) so all the conflicts should be left aside.
Considering that I had a chance to attend the launch party (that included shopping) for this collection, where people stuffed good old gray H&M shopping bags like there's no tomorrow, and to read couple of hate articles on the Internet I think I have enough impressions to form an objective opinion. To be honest, when I heard that Kenzo is designing a collection for H&M I expected it to be inspired by good old 70s and 80s Kenzo (although Kenso himself is not the designer behind this project) because that's his period I like the most. :D When I saw the collection I was surprised by the amount of zebra print, BUT contrary to what you can read on the Internet, that's not the only thing this collaboration offers!
Although it sounds like a cliche, there's something for everyone, from screaming zebra prints I've already mentioned, that are not really my cup of tea, to a simple black shirt with an amazing cut and discreet beading. Also, I've read many comments regarding the low quality of the materials, which is again only the one side of the coin, there are some pieces made of pure silk (of amazing quality) and all bags are made from real leather. Like always, it all depends on your point of view. :D I personally liked black pieces with simple prints the most, I picked a shirt like that and you'll have a chance to see it in one of my future posts (right one in 10th photo if you don't mind scrolling) and a large bag that's simply amazing (you'll see it in the future as well). Expect some editorials with the pieces from the collection on here soon.
What do you think about KenzoXHM?
Kao i svake godine kolekcija gostujućeg dizajnera koji kreira za H&M izazvala je mnogo buke i digla dosta prašine. Iako je posve očigledno da je reč o čedu marketinških genija, jer nijedna kolekcija sličnog tipa (kao na primer poznati dizajneri za lanac prodavnica Target) ne izaziva toliko buke, ljudi se i dalje čude, iznenađuju, zadivljuju i raspravljaju oko nje sa starim pitanjem: pa šta je tu toliko posebno?
Jedni su ovogodišnju kolekciju zavoleli kao da je nešto najlepše što je modni univerzum ikada video, dok je drugi temeljno ''pljuju'' u raznim internet postovima i sekcijama za komentare. Istina je, kao i uvek, negde između i ja ću se truditi da napišem svoje utiske o kolekciji bez ikakvih roze naočara iliti preterane mržnje (sklone tinejdžerima dok prozivaju one što nose komad garderobe koji oni nemaju). Moda je ipak igra ukusa (o kojima se ne raspravlja) pa ostrašćenost treba ostaviti sa strane.
Budući da sam imala prilike da prisustvujem žurki (i šopingu) prilikom ''predstavljanja'' kolekcije gde su ljudi u svoje torbe za šoping trpali kao ludi, ali i pročitala po koji mrzilački tekst na internetu mislim da imam dovoljno utisaka za objektivno mišljenje. Da budem iskrena, kada sam čula da Kenzo dizajnira novu kolekciju za H&M očekivala sam da ona bude u stilu starog Kenza (iako on sam ne stoji iza nje) iz sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina, jer je to period koji lično preferiram :D. Kada sam videla kolekciju iznenadila me je količina zebrastog printa, ALI nasuprot onome što možete da pročitate na internetu to nije jedino što ova saradnja nudi!
Iako zvuči kao kliše u njoj se stvarno može naći za svakoga ponešto, od već pomenutih vrištećih zebrastih printova, koje ja lično ne bih nosila, do najobičnije crne košulje jako lepog kroja sa diskretno našivenim perlicama. Takođe, pročitala sam mnogo pridika na račun loših materijala, što je opet krajnost jer ima komada koji su napravljeni od čiste svile (i to odličnog kvaliteta), a sve torbe su od čiste kože. Kao i uvek, svako vidi onako kako gleda. :D Meni su se najviše svideli komadi u crnoj boji sa jednostavnim printom, baš takvu košuljicu koju sam izabrala videćete u nekom od sledećih postova (skroz desno na desetoj slici po redu, koga ne mrzi da broji) i velika torba koja je prosto genijalna (i nje će biti u postovima). Očekujte na blogu i neke editorijale sa komadima iz kolekcije.
Šta vi mislite o Kenzu za H&M?
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