Novelty bags are for sure one of the biggest trends that appeared in 21st century. From Chanel milk box to Moschino's happy meal, bags have taken all sorts of shapes and forms during the last ten years. Not to mention Charlote Olympia book clutches. And what about those bags we couldn't believe weren't drawings? This is definitely an era of novelty bags. I never thought I would actually want a novelty bag in my collection, but as the saying goes you should never say never.
Although I resisted the urge to get one for years, this one here got my full attention. It's the bag from the latest Kenzo for H&M collaboration, and it's designed to look like an actual Kenzo shopping bag. I sounds crazy, right? But it looks so good in person! I'm a huge fan of minimalistic bags, and this one is black in white whit simple lines, it doesn't get more minimalistic than that.
What do you think about novelty bags?
Novelty torbe su sigurno jedan od najvećih modnih trendova koji su popularnost dostigli u 21. veku. Od Chanel tetrapaka za mleko do Moschino tašne u obliku happy meal-a, torbe su se pojavljivale u najrazličitijim formama i oblicima u poslednjih deset godina. Da ne spominjem Charlote Olympia tašnice koje su zapravo izdanja popularnih knjiga. I šta bi sa onim torbama za koje nismo mogli da poverujemo da nisu crteži? Ovo je definitivno era novelty torbi. Nikada nisam pomislila da ću zapravo da želim novelty torbu u svojoj kolekciji, ali kao što izreka kaže: nikad ne reci nikad.
Iako sam odolevala želji da ih nabavim godinama, ova ovde je privukla moju pažnju. To je torba iz Kenzo za H&M kolekcije, i dizajnirana je tako da izgleda kao prava Kenzo paprina kesa. Zvuči ludo, zar ne? A zapravo izgleda toliko dobro uživo! Ja sam veliki ljubitelj minimalističkih torbi, a ova je crno-bela sa jednostavnim linijama, ne može biti minimalističkije od toga.
Šta vi mislite o ovakvim torbama?
Kenzo for H&M bag
Levi's jacket
GAP sweater
C&A skirt
Zara boots
Asos scarf
Mango tights
Casio watch
Vintage, Pandora and Ti Sento rings
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