We live in the time of fast trends and ever-changing fashion. In such times developing signature personal style may come as a challenge. I've been on the frontier of building my own style for years so I have useful tips for you when you embark on similar journey, With avoiding cliche phrases like ''fashion fade, style is eternal'', here are some steps to follow in order to find your style.
1. Inspiration is the key!
There's no creative job that can be done without inspiration. The true motivational inspiration comes from within and when you are following your gut and passion, only great things can happen! Still, in order to get inspired you need to be open, flick through fashion magazines, watch inspirational movies, read, visit your favourite blogs. Even the scroll through someones Instagram feed can do wonders for your inspiration!
2. Do not copy
With my opinion on inspiration being said, what you have to know is that copying is not the same thing as getting inspired. Let someones style inspire you, but don't copy them from head to toe. Today you can see so many people copying each other and it's just starting to look funny. Remember that you are an individual, and you should let your style represent your personality.
3. It's all about trial and error
Don't be afraid of mistakes, experiment with styles and cuts until you find what works for you. Look at mistakes as learning opportunities. Even if some of your outfits may look ridiculous to you in the future, they are all a part of the learning curve and figuring out what works for you.
4. Give it time
People who have the best personal style started experimenting with fashion in high school, or even primary school! It takes time to build great style and sometimes maturing is what you need to develop sophisticated taste. This is one of the areas in life where you really shouldn't rush things.
5. Learn about fashion
Learning about the history of fashion can never hurt, as well as getting to know designers and their work. There are so many great books about fashion you can read (Chronology of fashion and Icons of fashion: The 20th century are some of my favourites) and you can also learn so many things on the Internet. True knowledge of fashion will deeply impact your style.
Živimo u vremenu prolaznih trendova i mode koja se stalno menja. U takvim okolnostima razvijanje autentičnog ličnog stila može da bude izazov. Već godinama gradim svoj lični stil i imam korisne savete za vas kada se upustite u sličnu avanturu. Uz izbegavanje kliše fraza kao što je ''moda bledi, stil je večan'' evo koraka koje možete da pratite i lakše pronađete svoj stil.
1. Ključ je u inspiraciji!
Ne postoji kreativan posao koji može dobro da se uradi bez inspiracije. Prava motivacija dolazi iznutra i kada pratite svoj osećaj i strast samo divne stvari mogu da se dogode! Ipak, da biste se inspirisali treba da budete otvoreni prema novim stvarima, listajte modne časopise, gledajte filmove koji vas inspirišu, čitajte, idite na svoje omiljene blogove. Čak i nečiji Instagram profil može čuda da učini što se inspiracije tiče!
2. Ni kopirajte nikoga
Pošto sam već rekla šta mislim o inspiraciji, ono što morate da znate je da kopiranje i inspiracija nisu ista stvar. Dopustite da vas neko inspiriše, ali nemojte da ga kopirate od glave do pete. Danas možete da vidite toliko ljudi koji kopiraju jedni druge da to počinje da izgleda smešno. Zapamtite da ste vi jedinstvena osoba, i da vaš stil uvek treba da predstavlja vašu ličnost.
3. Sve se svodi na pokušaje i greške
Nemojte da se plašite grešaka, eksperimentišite sa stilovima i krojevima dok ne pronađete ono što vam odgovara. Gledajte na greške kao na prilike da naučite nešto novo. Čak i ako će vam neka vaša odevna kombinacija u budućnosti delovati kao greška, ona je deo učenja i procesa u kome saznajete šta vam zapravo leži.
4. Dajte sebi vremena
Ljudi koji imaju ''najbolji'' lični stil počeli su da eksperimentišu sa modom još u srednjoj, pa čak i osnovnoj školi. Potrebno je vreme da se izgradi sjajan stil, a ponekad je i sazrevanje ono što je neophodno da bi se razvio istančan ukus. Ovo je jedna od oblasti u životu gde nema potrebe za žurbom.
5. Učite o modi
Učenje o istoriji mode ne može da naškodi, kao ni proučavanje dizajnera i njihovog rada. Postoji toliko divnih knjiga o modi koje možete da pročitate (Chronology of fashion i Icons of fashion: The 20th century su neke od mojih omiljenih), ali mnogo stvari možete da naučite i na internetu. Pravo poznavanje mode će jako uticati na vaš stil.
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