Sundays are reserved for beauty posts and today I'm writing about the newest brand I'm trying out. I've been on the search for the products that won't broke me out and are free of harmful ingredients for a while. I'm finally in a place where I certainly know none of my skincare products will break me out. For all of you who are suffering from acne and pimples with no obvious reason, I'm almost 100% sure it's because of your skincare and makeup. Read your ingredients carefully and eliminate everything that may be causing you acne. Here you can read about all the things that may be breaking you out. My latest big breakout was caused by a hyaluron serum.

Anyways, now onto the First Aid Beauty, I discovered this brand while I was looking for a nice face serum. They are one of those new brands who are making effective products that also have good ingredients. I'm so happy that companies like that are finally taking over and replacing the old more commercial brands that use alcohol, perfume and parabens in their products. First thing I tried was their Pure Skin Face Cleanser. It's soap free and one of the most interesting cleansers I've ever used. It has no scent what so ever and foams very gently (it's soap free after all), but it manages to clean my skin efficiently while leaving it hydrated. It will never dry your skin, even if it's super dry or sensitive.

Ultra Repair Hydrating Serum is actually what made me super excited. It's so hard to find nice serums for oily skin (that won't make you look shiny, but are still hydrating), and this one does the job quite well. You can safely wear it under your daily moisturizer and it makes my skin soft, hydrated and glowy. I will definitely give some other FAB products a chance, it seems to be such a lovely brand. You can order it on

Nedelja je rezervisana za postove o nezi i lepoti tako da danas pišem o najnovijem brendu koji isprobavam. Već neko vreme tražim proizvode koji ne izazivaju bubuljice i ne sadrže štetne sastojke. Konačno sam došla do toga da sa sigurnošću znam da mi nijedan od proizvoda koje koristim ne izaziva bubljice. Za sve vas koji imate akne i bubuljice bez očiglednog razloga, skoro sam 100% sigurna da je to zbog nekog proizvoda za negu ili šminke koje koristite. Pažljivo čitajte sastojke i eliminišite sve što vam može izazivati nepravilnosti na koži. U ovom postu možete da vidite šta sve izaziva bubuljice, a da nismo toga ni svesni. Moj poslednji ''napad'' bubuljica bio je izazvan serumom sa hijaluronom. 

Da pređem na temu današnjeg posta, brend First Aid Beauty. Njih sam otkrila dok sam tražila dobar serum za lice. To je jedan od onih novih brendova sa efikasnim proizvodima koji imaju i dobre sastojke. Mnogo sam srećna što takve kompanije konačno zauzimaju mesto komercijalnih brendova koji koriste alkohol, parfeme i parabene u svojim proizvodima. Prva stvar koju sam probala je Pure Skin Face Cleanser. Ne sadrži sapun i jedan je od najinteresantnijih čistača za lice koje sam ikada probala. Nema nikakav miris i jako nežno peni (ipak je bez sapuna), ali uspeva da mi efikasno očisti kožu i pritom je ostavlja hidriranom. Nikada vam neće isušiti kožu, čak i ako je ona suva i osetljiva. 

Ultra Repair Hydrating Serum je zapravo proizvod koji me je kupio. Jako je teško pronaći dobar serum za masnu kožu (sa kojim nećete da se prosijate, ali i da ipak hidrira), a ovaj prilično fino obavlja svoj posao. Možete bez brige da ga nosite ispod dnevne kreme, a sa njim mi je koža mekana, hidrirana i sjajna. Sigurno ću probati još neke First Aid Beauty proizvode, ovo je zaista brend koji obećava. Njihove proizvode možete naći na sajtu.

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