You know the feeling when the air is starting to smell like winter, although it felt like spring couple of days ago? :D I have to admit I don't remember a transition to winter looking like this, we used to have a cold autumn and than even cooler winter. Anyways, winter is coming and this is one of my favourite periods of the year. Although I like spring the most, nothing can replace holiday euphoria (still, I have to say it's been over the top lately), sweaters, hats, scarfs and a cup of tea of coffee when you come home after a blizzard. Of course, the question is what to wear during the winter that won't make you look like a duvet with a belt.The answer to the question how to look nice an also be warm is complex and every year I'm trying to create outfits that are both pretty and warm. The key is, like always, in trying. Try out different outfits until you find what works for you.
Znate onaj osećaj kada vazduh počne da miriše na zimu iako je do prekjuče bilo prolećno vreme? :D Moram da priznam da se ne sećam da je ranije prelaz u zimu izgledao ovako, imali smo jesen koja je bila hladna i onda još hladniju zimu. Svejedno, zima dolazi i ovo je jedan od mojih omiljenih perioda. Iako ipak najviše volim proleće, ništa ne može da zameni prazničnu euforiju (mada moram da priznam da je i ona u poslednje vreme postala preterana), džempere, kape, šalove i šolju čaja ili kafe kada sa kijameta uđete u kuću. Nameće se i pitanje šta nositi tokom zime a da ne izgledate kao jorgan sa kaišem. Odgovor na pitanje kako izgledati lepo, a da vam bude toplo je kompleksan i ja svake godine pokušavam da sklopim odevne kombinacije koje su i lepe i tople. Ključ je, kao i uvek u isprobavanju. Probajte dok ne nađete ono što vam odgovara.
Choies coat
New Yorker jacket
Vintage Levi's 517 jeans
Asos boots
Mona bag
H&M hat
Vintage rings
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