Spring usually calls for bright colours and healthy looking, dewy skin. Although this sounds like a cliche and every spring we are bombarded with suggestions for the prettiest bold coloured makeup looks, I have to agree that bright colours look the best in the spring sun. Also, healthy skin is a must, no one wants to go in the bright light with a skin that looks dull. So what are my top picks in the beauty department this spring?
Perfect serum: Mad Hippie Vitamin C serum
Mad Hippie is the brand everyone is talking about. It has amazing products made with natural ingredients that will for sure help your skin look its best. This vitamin C serum has powerful antioxidants that brighten, tighten and smooth the skin.
Blue eye shade: Daniel Sandler Long lasting waterproof eyeliner Aqua Velvet
Imagine the bluest of blue eyeliners and there you have the shade of this amazing product. I know what you are thinking, blue eyeliner can be a bit bold, but it is wearable! Give it a try.
Bright red lips: Sephora Cream lip stain in 18
I always talk about Cream lip stain, it's one of my favourite lip products. This shade is the most amazing bright red I've tried.
Fresh scent: Korres Pure cotton
Spring and summer call for fresh and simple scents. Pure cotton is a great scent you can wear everyday, without it being overwhelming.
Perfect lashes: Japonesque precision eyelash curler
If there is one eyelash curler I think can make a difference, it's this one. It curls small sections of the lashes for perfect volume and length.
Proleće obično vapi za jarkim bojama i zdravom, sjajnom kožom. Iako zvuči kao kliše i svakog proleća smo bombardovani predlozima za najlepše smele makeup izglede, moram da se složim da oni najlepše izgledaju na jarkom suncu. Takođe, zdrava koža je obavezna, niko ne želi da izađe na prolećno sunce sa kožom koja deluje sivo i nezdravo. Pa koji su moji omiljeni proizvodi ovog proleća?
Savršen serum: Mad Hippie Vitamin C serum
Mad Hippie je brend o kome svi pričaju i ima sjajne proizvode od prirodnih sastojaka koji će sigurno pomoći vašoj koži da izgleda najbolje moguće. Ovaj serum sa vitaminom C sadrži snažne antioksidante koji izbeljuju, zatežu i izglađuju kožu.
Plava boja na kapcima: Daniel Sandler Long lasting waterproof eyeliner Aqua Velvet
Zamislite najplavlji od plavih ajlajnera i dobićete boju ovog sjajnog proizvoda. Znam šta mislite, plavi ajlajner može da bude smeo, ali je nosiv! Probajte.
Jarko crvene usne: Sephora Cream lip stain in 18
Uvek pričam o Cream lip stain-u, on mi je jedan od omiljenih proizvoda za usne. Ova nijansa je najneverovatnija jarko crvena koju sam probala.
Svež miris: Korres Pure cotton
Proleće i leto zahtevaju sveže i jednostavne mirise. Pure cotton je divan miris koji možete da kosite svakog dana, a da to ne bude prenapadno.
Savršene trepavice: Japonesque precision eyelash curler
Ako postoji jedan uvijač trepavice za koji mislim da može da napravi veliku razliku, to je ovaj. Uvija manje delove trepavica posebno, za najbolji volumen i dužinu.
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