One of the reasons I don't want summer to end is because of culottes. You know, this type of super pretty below the knee pants. Sure, you can wear them all year round, but they just don't look good with boots or even sneakers (although they can look OK, but just OK with sneakers) only with simple shoes and sandals that have their peek during the spring and summer and are then forgotten until the end of the winter. Before it's officially cold, give them a chance and use the best of your culottes. Trust me on this one, after all I once wore ballet flats during the early autumn and I still remember the way the cold from the ground just went straight through them and made my feet freezing. True story, I couldn't wait to go home.

Jedan od razloga što ne želim da se leto završi je zbog kulota. Znate već, ovog tipa prelepih pantalona ispod kolena. Naravno, možete da ih nosite i tokom cele godine, ali jednostavno ne izgledaju dobro sa čizmama i patikama (iako mogu da izgledaju OK, ali samo OK sa patikama), već sa jednostavnim cipelama i sandalama koje svoj vrhunac dožive tokom proleća i leta pa su onda zaboravljene do kraja zime. I dok još nije zvanično hladno, dajte im šansu i iskoristite svoje kulote. Verujte mi, ipak sam ja neko ko je nosio baletanke na početku jeseni, i dalje se dobro sećam kako je hladnoća izbijala iz zemlje i smrznutih stopala kao posledice. Istinita priča, jedva sam čekala da stignem kući.

These pants are so comfortable and made out of old school linen, which makes them pretty heavy and form fitting. I just love those old fabrics, they make garments look and feel luxurious. Like a lot of pieces in my closet these also used to be my mom's. Extra points for ''stealing'' pieces from your mom's closet and making them work. I still can't believe how well Ana styled her mom's coat in this post. How amazing is her look? And she also did the thing I mentioned, wore the summer to autumn pants with matching shoes. It's just the way summer to autumn fashion works.

Ove pantalone su tako udobne i napravljene od starinskog lana, zbog čega su teške i lepo padaju. Obožavam stare materijale, zbog njih komadi izgledaju kvalitetno i ''luksuzno''. Kao i dosta komada iz mog ormana i one su nekada pripadale mojoj mami. Dodatni poeni ako uspete da ''ukradete'' odeću mami i odlično je stilizujete. I dalje ne mogu da verujem kako je lepo Ana uklopila bundicu svoje mame u ovom postu. Zar ne izgleda odlično? Takođe je uradila ono što sam spominjala, nosila pantalone na prelazu između leta i jeseni sa odgovarajućim cipelama. To je jednostavno način na koji funkcioniše jesenji stil.

Vintage culottes
Mango top
Vintage Gucci bag
Zara shoes
Skagen watch
Ti Sento ring
H&M scarf
Saint Laurent sunglasses

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