Just when you thought slip dresses are over and it's time to go back to wearing them as slips and sleeping gowns, they are transforming into something even better, maxi slip dresses. There's basically no difference between the two, except the longer ones can be worn for more formal occasions and you won't even look like you are in high school (which can happen with shorter versions). I'm pretty much a fan of nearly every 90s trend, including this one. They are almost minimalistic in their simplicity, which makes them a perfect item for dressing up or down. 

Taman kad smo pomislili da je vreme slip haljina prošlo i da se vraćamo nošenju istih kao kombinezona i spavaćica, transformisale su se u nešto još bolje, dugačke slip haljine. U principu se mnogo ne razlikuju, osim što duže verzije možete da nosite i za formalnije prilike i u njima nećete izgledati kao da idete u srednju školu (što može da bude slučaj sa kratkim slip haljinama). Uglavnom volim skoro sve trendove iz devedesetih, uključujući i ovaj. Skoro su minimalistične u svojoj jednostavnosti, zbog čega su savršen komad i za opuštene, ali i za komplikovanije kombinacije.

I wore it with the simplest details possible, 90s inspired chunky heel sandals and a black cross body bag. The look is still pretty interesting, because of the dress. If you look closer you can see it actually has a lot of details, double straps, two layers and a chain around the waist (which I added). It's such a pretty dress and I really like it, I'm just not sure where will I be able to wear it, it's too formal for every day and yet to simple for the most of formal occasions. Which is, by the way, a trap of every maxi slip dress.

Nosila sam je sa najjednostavnijim mogućim detaljima, sandalama sa debelom petom koje su takođe u duhu devedesetih i običnom crnom torbicom. Sve je izgledalo interesantno, najviše zbog same haljine. Ako pažljivije pogledate videćete da ona zapravo ima dosta detalja, duple bretele, dva sloja materijala i lančić oko struka (koji sam ja dodala). Haljina je mnogo lepa i stvarno mi se sviđa, jedino što nisam sigurna gde bih je nosila, previše je svečana za svaki dan, a previše jednostavna za većinu formalnih prilika. Što i jesta zamka maksi slip haljina.

Vintage dress
Zara sandals
Mango bag
Ray Ban sunglasses
Asos belly chain
Ti Sento ring 
Skagen watch

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